Page 81 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 81

CEO of the eLan Property Group                      negotiation to come to fruition and is now, says Taylor,
                                                              going from strength to strength and will be a great
                      ARK Taylor believes that his career has   success story.”
                      been characterised by ‘thinking big’ and   Blythedale Coastal Estate is the most forward thinking
                      having the perseverance to ensure that   development in South Africa. The emphasis is on fibre
         M his plans, which are often innovative,             connectivity, frictionless access, green technology
          reach fruition.
                                                              solutions, and most importantly, it is a community-
           Taylor completed his schooling at Kearsney         based development.
          College and attended the then University of Natal,
          Pietermaritzburg, from where he graduated with a      Blythedale Coastal Estate is the blueprint for inclusive
          BCom degree majoring in marketing, as well as with an   housing in South Africa, to the extent that it has been
          additional major course in business finance.        presented to Parliament. The Estate will include an
                                                              impressive 1 200 sleeper anchor resort hotel; a 3 600
           As part of his studies were financed by Gold Fields   sleeper low-rise hotel villa complex; a retirement
          of South Africa (GFSA), in order to fulfil the terms of   village; 250 luxury sectional title apartments; 2400
          the bursary he had obtained for his studies, his first   freehold homes; and 709 affordable homes linked to
          job was with the company in Johannesburg. Taylor    some 600 homes for gap housing.
          started in their marketing department as an assistant   Taylor commented, “Success is dependent on the
          marketing officer.
                                                              team that you build around you. Each individual
           He left GFSA in March 1984 to join his father in a   is often better than you at what they do and it is
          business venture in Durban. The company, Capital    important to give them the responsibility and freedom
          Enterprises, imported and exported research and     as well as the authority to do what they do best.”
          industrial chemicals. Following his departure from    His current mission is to grow the eLan Property
          this venture, he join Nedbank’s Corporate Banking   Group brand. He says, “Exciting things are happening.
          Division at their head office in Johannesburg. From   I intend to work smarter not harder and use the
          there, his career direction changed again as he moved   experiences that I have had to be more productive and
          into property development, where hotel and resort   proactive.” He added that the commencement of deals
          developments became a passion.
                                                              and putting everything together is something that he
           The eLan Property Group was founded in 1997 and    has continually enjoyed.
          has become a leader in real estate marketing and
          sales, sales of hospitality investment projects and   Through the efforts of the eLan Group in exploring
          more recently has diversified into other investment   the potential overseas property investment market, and
          opportunities.                                      in particular the UK, South African Properties Overseas
                                                              Marketing Association (SAPOMA) has become a reality.
           Zululand Tree Lodge in Hluhluwe was the first venture  SAPOMA is administered and coordinated by eLan
          undertaken, which was a R12 million development.    Marketing, and through its overseas division, eLan
                                                              International, the Association will represent those
           Taylor’s desire to innovate was apparent in the
          Riverside Hotel, which became a sectional title hotel.   developers and allied professional organisations who
          This was a first for South Africa and has been the   have the vision and urge to become part of the world
          country’s most profitable sectional title hotel and a true   global trading scene.
          eLan success story.                                   One of the new ventures is providing investment
                                                              opportunities in Mauritius. Taylor says, “Mauritius offers
           Taylor commented, “The pioneering and innovative
          approach does not always pay off, staying ahead of the   a new formula, which is attracting a lot of interest”.
          curve is not always clever, as one is constantly meeting   Taylor says that his family have been crucial to him
          new obstacles, which have not been dealt with before.”  throughout his career and provide him a lot of support.
                                                              This support has allowed him to continue in his various
           His determination to ‘make a difference by doing
          things differently’ is very apparent in the Blythedale   endeavours, while often facing stress and dealing with
          Coastal Estate. An important part of this project has   the challenges that accompany business development.
          been in obtaining community buy-in, which has well    Although works takes a lot of his time, he does try to
          illustrated Taylor’s perseverance. “This development   include time for travel with his family and opportunities
          has taken 19 years of planning and community        where he can relax by spending time skiing or fishing.

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