Page 65 - Standard Bank KZN Top Business Women 2021
P. 65

Struggles are a stepping stone to your next place. When you

               have gone through the struggle, the prize feels all the more sweeter.

          Founder and Owner of Say Watt                  worked towards achieving these goals. That is why I am   Business success, says Sam, is defined by the point
                                                         such an advocate for big dreams to drive you.”   where you stop worrying about cash flow. “Your dream
                                                                                                         has got to be bigger than your business. It is about when
                amantha (Sam) Watt is the owner of Say Watt,   Through this experience, Sam said she realised that
                                                                                                         you have the money to make a tangible difference in
                which is a consultancy with a passion for   struggles don’t define you. “Struggles are a stepping stone
                                                                                                         other people’s lives.”
                influencing hearts and minds through the art     to your next place. I feel that you appreciate things more
         Sof public relations. She adds that she has     when you put in the work. When you have gone through   In 2020, Sam piloted a project called  ‘Brand  Thina’
          succeeded through the grace of God and through the   the struggle, the prize feels all the more sweeter.”  in partnership with Kandua, which is an online
          support of her husband.                                                                        home services marketplace. Say  Watt were given
                                                         Primary dream
                                                                                                         the opportunity to assist with the branding of five
          “Our core business is public relations, which is more
                                                         Sam  reflected  that  during  her  early  working  career  she   professionals and hosted workshops to enable this
          than building brands.  We have a massive network of
                                                         suffered with mommy guilt. “Women believe that if they   process. “Through the assistance of the Durban agency,
          freelancers who are strong service providers in marketing
                                                         are career driven, they are letting someone down. Women   The 13th Floor, we were then able to create something
          strategy, events, web development, social media and/or
                                                         want to be all things to everyone,” she explained. However,   magical,” says Sam. “We were able to give these guys a
          brand development and activation. We are able to supply
                                                         she said that her life was changed when she realised that   logo, social media posts and an all-important business
          a one stop marketing shop to our clients, which is really
                                                         her primary dream was to be the best mom and wife that   card. From that experience we really realised how
          great,” explains Sam.
                                                         she could be and that she could not do that working a   important a brand is and that it can do much more for
          “We are idea generators and content creators. I love   normal nine to five job.                a business than you can dream of. Branding offers more
          telling our clients that we are dream chasers. At the heart                                    credibility, fosters trust, generates more customers,
                                                         This realisation resulted in Sam embarking on the journey
          of every marketing success is a story that can grab the                                        and makes a business more visible. This really was a
                                                         of owning her own business. “Initially this was built on the
          heart of a customer. We are exceptional story tellers.”                                        wonderful opportunity to shift some lives.”
                                                         amazing relationships I had developed over the years with
                                                         ex-employers, colleagues, family, and friends, who became
          A turning point                                                                                Just start
                                                         my first clients and are still clients today. I wouldn’t be
          Sam’s path to success has not been easy. She added   where I am today if they hadn’t put their faith in me.”  Sam attributes her success to being surrounded by
          that she does not think that there is anyone who hasn’t                                        incredible women her entire life. “My gran was a single
                                                         In commenting on her current work/life balance, Sam says
          experienced a struggle within their lifetime in one form                                       mother who raised three daughters and is the stalwart
                                                         that she does not believe that anyone has achieved balance.
          or another.                                                                                    of the family. My mother never pursued tertiary
                                                         “Having my own business is a plus as I am able to choose
                                                                                                         education but was ambitious and very successful. I
          Eleven years ago, after using all of the family’s savings   my work hours. My favourite place to be is on the side
                                                                                                         also have strong willed and amazing women business
          to move to Durban to pursue a business opportunity,   of the rugby field, netball court or cricket field. I am that
                                                                                                         partners who all have a solid sense of accountability.”
          Sam’s husband found himself without an income.   crazy mom who shouts on the side of the field… The trade
          Sam was earning a minuscule amount of money from   off is that I often have to work to 12 at night or one o’clock   Sam’s advice is that if you have a massive dream, if you
          freelancing, which also dried up, leaving them with no   in the morning and I may work during weekends.”  want to be an entrepreneur, and if you want to live a
          resources to support themselves. “We were, for the first                                       different life from the one that you are living now, to
                                                         Making a tangible difference
          times in our lives, stuck. However, through the financial                                      just start. She concluded, “I would like to encourage
          support of friends and their church, they were able to get   Sam’s goal is to have an impact on the world. “Our dream   you and ask you to be kind to yourself and just start.
          through this hardship. As they had a privileged lifestyle,   is that no brand, big or small, in South Africa ever has to   I started my business with nothing more than my
          this experience was a turning point in their lives. Sam   go unbranded or unheard. We are committed to keeping   laptop and a whole lot of courage and determination.
          commented, “We were able to pick ourselves up. We also   our costs low and competitive, while still providing the   Be a person of your word, be a person of integrity, do
          completed a dream sheet, which was life changing as we   quality that our clients have come to know and enjoy.”  what you say you will do, and you will be successful.”

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