Page 20 - Standard Bank KZN Top Business Awards Winners 2024 - Awards Supplement e-Book
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Phakamani Ndlovu and Anele Ndlovu    Angela Alderton and Jennifer Reddy     Sorisha Naidoo and Denver Naicker

      Premie Reddy, Kemishka Mahomed, Bashini Mahomed
      and Fahadil Mahomed

      Joe Swart, Lee Ellis, Ebrahim Paruk and Jonathan Kelsey  Standing: David White, Julia Stephens and Mike Eglington,    TK Govender and Joudalle Govender
                                            Seated: Gregory Moloto, Head of Global Markets, KZN Standard Bank, Arvind Magan and Ronel Magan

                                                                UPCOMING EVENT:

           ZN Top Business     inspire and who are making   into their lives, purpose
           is proud to be      things happen for the good   and achievements.  The
     Kpublishing a Leaders’    of their business entities and   participants are also being
      Portfolio in 2024.       further afield.          asked to share some of
                                                        the insights that they have
      Much material has been   Some of the leaders who are   gained on their journeys,
      researched and written   participating include:   which is invaluable
      about the topic of being a   ■   Ashley Bell, Bell  knowledge to those
      good leader. As has been   Equipment              following in their paths.
      said by Tony Robbins, “The
      importance of leadership lies   ■ Michael Keats, Goscor   An edited version of these
      in the ability to get things   ■ Pat Moodley, Industrial  interviews can be found   Aurelia Alberts, Innovate Durban  Frikkie Brooks,    Jonathan Naidoo, SmartXchange
      done. Leadership allows    Development Corporation  online.                      Brooks Facilitation Services
      you to communicate a clear   (IDC)                KZNTopBusiness.
      vision and then unite your   ■ Aurelia Alberts, Innovate   The content of the interview
      team around that vision.   Durban                 will be used to create a written
      Companies with great leaders   ■ Jay Patel, Royal Tyres  profile which will be featured
      are creative, innovative                          in an old-fashioned hard-
      and agile. They also have   ■ Rob Kelso, SA Home Loans  covered coffee table book.
      positive company cultures   ■ Isaac Mbatha, Sky Tents  This book will be an absolute
      with a sense of purpose and   ■ Lubin Ozoux, Sumitomo   classic with historical value; a
      passion.”                  Rubber South Africa    must have publication.
      More now than ever our   ■ Jonathan Naidoo,       The KZN Leaders' Portfolio
      province of KwaZulu-Natal   SmartXchange          will be launched on the third   Pat Symcox, RE/MAX Coast and   Isaac Mbatha, Sky Tents  Jennifer Reddy, Morar
      needs inspirational people   ■ Pat Symcox,  RE/MAX   October at the IBV Privé,   South Africa                                 Incorporated
      around us to face the many   Coast and Country    Umhlanga.
      challenges we have. And   ■ Jennifer Reddy, Morar                                                                                 SPONSORED BY:
      we really need people to be   Incorporated
      focused on the right things   ■ Shamla Pather,  Shamla   QUERIES: If you have any queries
                                                        or would like to nominate someone
      for the right reasons.                            to participate, please contact:
                                 Pather Attorneys
      Through the KZN Top      ■ Frikkie Brooks,  Brooks   Angela Alderton
      Business Leaders’ Portfolio   Facilitation Services   Cell: +27 (0)66 206 5654
      we are proud to recognise                         Grant Adlam
      some of the outstanding   The Top Business team is   Cell: +27 (0)83 262 9529
      individuals in the province   interviewing each leader   Email:
      who do have the ability to   online and delving a little   Website:  Jay Patel, Royal Tyres  Ashok Sewnarain,  IBV
                                                                                                          International Vaults

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