P. 15


                           For the first time in human history Solar Angels are in direct
                    communication with our earth plane. This influx of the Christ Power will
                    awaken the consciousness of man to the Love and Wisdom and Healing

                    Power waiting to serve him.
                           Our old system of thought will be discarded and the Angelic
                    Consciousness in man will unfold to reveal the existence of the Eternal
                    Ever-present Infinite Life immanent in mankind, dissolving all separateness,

                    all antagonisms, hates and possessiveness which is the root of all sickness in
                    mankind—the Temple of the Living God. A great Angelic Spiritual Centre is now
                    beginning to express to the world a Spiritual Essence of thought vibration and

                    upliftment and Silent Healing Power, the rays of which cover the earth.
                           Mighty work is about to be done in your midst and you can take part in
                    it. The Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power has been set up for this purpose.

                           This healing essence can be felt as it is received and expressed out again.
                    The sick have been healed, the unhappy have been uplifted end all needs have
                    been supplied.

                           Special times are necessary for receiving this wonderful power in
                    conjunction with the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power. Special help
                    is given to those who ask for it, those in sickness, distress, unhappiness and want,
                    doubt and confusion of mind. All in need can apply for this help which is

                    given freely.
                           Help us to charge the atmosphere with this power of Love, Wisdom
                    and Healing and soon all adverse influences will begin to dissolve away.

                           The Sanctuary intends sending out a monthly letter of help which will
                    act as a guide to your life, health and happiness and will give you a review
                    of the work accomplished.
                           Write for full particulars of how to act in conjunction with this centre.

                    The world needs your help through your co-operation with the Mighty Angelic
                    Forces now waiting to assist Mankind through you. This service is free to
                    all through the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power.

                                        JOIN IN THE GREAT CRUSADE

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