P. 292
February 1952
My dear friends,
My word does not return unto me void but accomplishes what it is
sent forth to do.
This is what the Sanctuary stands for, yet to obtain the best results
one must tune in to the healing for by tuning in you open yourselves up to
the healing rays which are always in operation. The proof of what I have
said is in the many letters I have received from all over the world. Cables
and telegrams as well as letters come in daily asking for help. Immediately
you ask for help and put yourself in tune the healing power rushes in.
Here are just a few extracts from the many letters received this
“How can I thank you, how can I be grateful enough for what you
have done for us through the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power. My health
restored, my husband now in constant employment and my children making
wonderful progress and our home has been made an extremely happy one
while before with my ill-health, my husband out of work and hardly enough
food for the children. God bless you much for I can never repay you for
what you have done for us.” F.C.S.
“Thanks for your prompt reply to my asking for help. That very day
I got better and the next day I was out of bed. The doctor could not believe
that such a thing was possible. I am 100% well, thank you and God bless
you.” C.T.
“Your absent treatment is marvellous. Immediately you treated, me I felt
the power rush through me. I know that I was being treated and the pain left
me there and then. Your books are wonderful and your monthly letters are a
guide and help in our daily living. I cannot express my thanks in words but
I will pray every day to keep you long with us in your wonderful work.” J.C.S.
“Your monthly letters are the most inspiring work I have ever read.
I do not know how I could have done without them. Life is now worthwhile.
Enclosed find cheque to help in the work, the most practical form of gratitude.
God bless you.” S.S.