Page 12 - KZN Business Sense 10.6
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Jacquie Bhana, High enhancing leadership skills, good attendance, and which
Performance Coach, improving decision making drew great attention. One of the
HR Management and fostering both personal comments was, “I know of many
Consultant, Mentor and professional growth. I people who experienced these
and Counsellor have thoroughly enjoyed the feelings, but I didn’t know it was
work that I have done with the a thing”. This is a topic that is
hat women leaders with whom I extremely close to my heart.
a have worked, as they often face Visit
Wyear unique challenges in navigating watch?v=h5I_0c1u9iw
2024 has corporate landscapes that have
been! As I traditionally been dominated The World of Academia
have so often by men. A new world that I have entered
said, one of is that of academia, having
my biggest For women, I found that worked with the senate and
challenges coaching really helped to the training and development
has been breaking out of a unlock their potential, and it committee of a private and
successful corporate life, into was life changing. Coaching forward-thinking university. The
the frightening yet exciting helped them overcome gender- leadership of this organisation
world of entrepreneurship. related barriers, refined their has been mind-blowing as they
And what a fun and scary leadership style and helped focus on future technology,
rollercoaster ride it has been. them to successfully break
through the glass ceiling. future skills gaps, and future
Supporting Entrepreneurs We also worked on building instructional design, amongst WHAT DOES 2025 HOLD?
others. It is a world that I am
I have completed the most confidence and assertiveness, enjoying very much.
amazing assignments, which overcoming gender bias and The year 2025 is looking to be really interesting
I never thought were possible, breaking barriers. Topics Mental Health and exciting for my clients. You need to look out
a few of them as follows. like self awareness, decision A very big need that I have for the following initiatives that are being planned,
I coached two cohorts of making, strategic thinking, faced over that past year is
small, medium, and micro creating work life integration, that of mental health. It is including:
enterprises (SMMEs) who cultivating a growth mindset, a topic that is much talked
received funding, one from and establishing strong about, but I am not so sure is
the German government, networks were common, and being effectively addressed. Continuing coaching and mentoring
in partnership with the there was immense value in the 1 sessions because of the great need.
Pietermaritzburg Chamber outcome of these discussions. An aspect of mental health
that requires attention is
of Business. These sessions HR Consulting that of loneliness, which has Please book early.
were a real joy, and I made
great friends with the most I had the privilege of getting emerged as a significant and
often overlooked mental
extraordinary businesspeople. a contract with a large and
I worked with the Durban forward-thinking organisation, health challenge. During Webinar in January on mental
University of Technology which included the coaching of the next year, I am hoping 2
(DUT) to assist them with around 20 talented employees, to assist organisations with health in the workplace.
getting graduate interns to and 20 bursary students. The mental health coaching and
help in their businesses and benefit of such an assignment counselling for both managers
fulfill the requirements of their cannot be overstated, as a and those struggling with their
in-service training as well. number of issues that can be own mental health challenges, Brand new course on the imposter
One of these being a fashion addressed by the organisation as the positive impact will be syndrome. Following presentations
designer who exhibited at the were dealt with, resulting felt. Mental health coaching
London Fashion Fair, and in higher levels of retention and counselling offers a 3 and the webinar, there have been
the others who also travelled and ultimately a return on valuable tool in addressing many requests for this training, and
abroad extensively on export investment. loneliness and promoting a
accelerator programmes. The healthier, more fulfilling life. that includes a speak-up culture.
world of entrepreneurs is fast, Having worked as a human Employees can be assisted with
exciting, extraordinary, and resources director for a large better understanding their
uncertain at times, and they blue chip organisation, I found emotions, improving coping
need support both in terms of that clients often tapped into mechanisms, and developing Training programme for managers
skills and funding. I also serve my experience in this area. strategies to build deeper, more 4
on the SMME Forum of the I did some really great work meaningful connections. that will assist them with managing
Durban Chamber of Commerce in the area of succession, the mental health of their employees.
and Industry, where a number organisational structures, A major achievement has been
of interesting meetings and remuneration and performance recognition as a Top 100 business
networking sessions were held management, for example, for leader in KZN. My company is B-BBEE
for small businesses. both medium organisations and level one, and I have been constantly Half day training programme on
a startup. Smaller companies working on my website to ensure that it
Management and Executive generally do not have the provides up to date information. Leadership Strategy and Actions
Coaching benefit of highly qualified C: +27 (0)83 386 8343 5 based on the book “The Art of War,”
HR teams or dedicated HR
In executive coaching, one E: translated by Thomas Cleary and
of my favourite assignments individuals, so this can be W:
was with a major global enormously rewarding for “Time to Think” by Nancy Kline.
client, and I have truly seen them, as they often do not need
the transformative benefits a full-time person. Also, just
of this senior level coaching being a sounding board for There is much to look forward to – these short
for women in leadership. In clients has been great. programmes are based on needs that have arisen
today’s fast paced environment, I started doing presentations from coaching sessions with clients this year, so
organisations are recognising in small businesses on Woman’s
the importance of investing in Day, which resulted in rich I have no doubt that you will find them valuable.
their leaders. Executive and discussions around the imposter I look forward to working with you all on this
management coaching has syndrome. I also did my first new and interesting approach and content.
become a powerful tool for webinar on this topic, with