Page 73 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 73

Have a dream,

                                            and pursue it with grace and boldness.

                                                          “Your dreams, aspirations and imagination keep you  “I also consider myself to be a highly teachable
          Head of Finance for the KZN Retail and
                                                          open to opportunities and to something bigger  person, so I’m always open to learning new
          Business Banking division, in Standard Bank
                                                          than yourself. You can only do the best you can with  things. Continuous development has been one
                                                          what you have, but if you have a dream, you have  of  the  biggest and  most  important contributors
                  s Head of Finance for the KZN Retail and
                                                          something to work towards.”                      to my progress thus far, both on a personal and
                  Business Banking division in Standard Bank,                                              professional level, and I strive to continue with that
         AThabisa Nkanzela is part of the provincial      Inspired to make an impact
                                                                                                           journey of growth.”
          executive leadership team and is directly responsible  As she grew up, Thabisa began to see more potential
                                                                                                           Build a strong support system
          for providing financial management support at a  for her future, and says that she’s inspired to make an
          strategic and operational level. This means that  impact. “We can all make a difference wherever we  When asked whether she manages to achieve a
          Thabisa and her finance team have a responsibility  are, and I always strive to leave things in better shape  work-life balance, Thabisa answers that she always
          to ensure that the business operates within budget  than I found them. This forces me to bring my A -  tries to live life to the fullest in every way, including
          parameters and adheres to financial and governance  game, and to be the best possible version of myself  pursuing a rewarding professional career. “But it’s
          requirements.                                   wherever I am.”                                  not easy,’ she points out, “and it certainly requires a
                                                                                                           lot of trade-offs, but it is possible. For me, it means
          Embrace every opportunity                       Thabisa points out that women naturally have a   identifying what I’m passionate about outside of
                                                          different approach to business than men, and that
          Thabisa attributes her career success thus far, firstly   contributes  to  their  success.  “Ability  and skills  can   work, then being deliberate about investing time in
          to the grace of God and secondly, to a combination                                               those things.”
                                                          be taught, but we women have an innate ability to
          of opportunity  and hard work.  Throughout  the   bring our whole selves to everything that we do,   Thabisa points out that you can’t do it all on your
          various stages of her career, she has been blessed   and that can be very powerful in business. However,   own. Building a strong support system around
          to have been afforded opportunities to show up.   most importantly we are all unique beings offering   yourself makes all the difference.
          “We all need both exposure and opportunity so we   diverse thinking, perspectives and abilities, and each   Thabisa also has some advice for her younger self,
          can demonstrate what we’re really capable of,” she   person should be recognised for what they have to  and for other young businesspeople setting out to
          says, “and I’ve constantly challenged myself to give   offer, regardless of their gender.”       make their mark on the world. “Ask more questions.
          of my best in every task or project allocated to me                                              It’s okay to ask, and you gain greater insights. You
          and embrace every opportunity.”                 Thabisa is extremely grateful and humbled by her   don’t always have to figure everything out for
                                                          journey and accomplishments to date.  But she also
          But Thabisa is also adamant about the importance  points out that she still has a lot to offer – not just on   yourself.
          of having a dream and working hard to pursue it.   the work front, but also to her family, her community  Secondly, you have a lot to learn, but equally so you
          “I’m blessed to be entrusted with various positions  and her generation at large.                have a lot to offer this world. In everything you do,
          of influence in the community and at work today.    “I was raised by a strong and highly accomplished   strive to learn and to create at the same time, then
          But I grew up in a rural village near Flagstaff and as   mother, who continues to positively influence   you’ll find fulfilment.
          a young girl, I always had big dreams about myself   her family and her community at large through  Lastly, and very importantly, don’t define yourself
          and my surroundings. I am only realising now that   the various leadership roles that she assumes. It is  by what you have today. Circumstances around you
          the environment around me was neither conducive   through observing her that I know how important  may seem limiting right now, but keep dreaming,
          nor enabling for these dreams to become a reality,   it is to use whatever influence and success you may  keep imagining. Never close yourself off to
          but I dreamt anyway.”                           achieve for the enrichment of those around you.”  opportunities.”

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