Page 13 - KZN Business Sense 7.2 - eBook
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             ounded in 2011, Meishi is   within one week of receiving   — it will help connect the ‘name   can send information such as   to order more. Meishi makes
             a progressive web app that   them. Consequently, tools such   to a face’ for your contacts. You   house listings, new cars, or   following up with clients easier
        Fnot only shares contact      as digital business cards or   are able to make your profile   accommodation offerings, in   and more efficient, which in
        information but the DNA of your   business card web apps will be   even more memorable by opting   image files or promo videos,   return can lead to fostering
        business.                     more commonly used to share   to featuring a video instead of   straight to a cell phone    stronger connections. 
          The way we exchange contact   these details.              a static picture, which is a great   or computer.
        information with other         In addition to your normal   way to further engage with     You are able to update or    To find out more about getting your own
        businesspeople is changing.    contact information (like                                  edit the information on your   Meishi card speak to Don Gray at
        Although business cards have   your name, company, email,    Through the Meishi           Meishi card at any time, so   T: +27 74 616 1954
        been used for many years, the   and phone number), you can   progressive web app all printing   your contacts always have
        increasingly digital era in which   enhance your card with links   in your business is eliminated –   your current contact details
        we live suggests that printed   to your various communication   business cards, flyers, brochures,   and products or services
        business cards will soon become   platforms e.g., Zoom, Skype,   and product specifications   information.
        redundant.                                                  become redundant. You can
                                      Microsoft Teams, WhatsApp,
          In addition, the drive for   Telegram, Signal etc.        put as much information as you   Digital cards can be shared
        remote interactions in 2020    LinkedIn is great to include   want on your digital business   with anyone, anywhere —
                                                                                                  simply send the link over email,
                                                                    card, and you’ll never run out
        provoked a greater need for a   on your Meishi card as it is an   of space.               text, social media or supply a
        virtual way to exchange contact                                                                                            SCAN
        and business information. Even   excellent platform for developing   Creative media companies,   QR code.
                                      and strengthening your brand,
        when in-person gatherings                                   estate agencies, car retailers, or   As long as you have access   QR CODE
        resume, digital business cards   for growing your number    hotel chains, amongst others,   to your phone or computer,    TO SEE
        and apps will stay around     of LinkedIn connections, or   are set to make full use of this   you’ll always have your digital   VIDEO
        because they are germ-free, and   sharing your CV if you’re on the   new technology. Being able to   business cards on hand. Because
        no physical contact is required.   job market.              transmit more than names,     everything is electronic, you’ll   (Open the camera on your phone and
        Furthermore, over 90% of       Adding a picture or video to   numbers and website addresses   never need to worry if your card   hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
        business cards are thrown away   your Meishi card is important   means that businesspeople   supply is low and if you need   QR Code to see the video.)


              he year 2021 is set to be   by the amount of fuel (diesel)   and drivers can plan every trip’s
              tough on budgets with   dispensed into your vehicle/s.   route efficiently and profitably.                            SCAN
        Tmany increases in daily      The difference between the                                                                  QR CODE
        living costs proposed.        pricing (zone-specific) and   How do you obtain the
                                      the displayed pump price will   cashback?                                                    TO SEE
          The sharp increases in the                                                                                               VIDEO
        prices of petrol, diesel and   be reimbursed. The fuel must   1.  Register online
        paraffin in February and March   be purchased at participating
        2021 are still having an impact   service stations, which are   ApplyNow.php?AID=79                                      (Open the camera on your phone and
        with many industries having to   located around the country.  2.  Fill in your business details                          hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
                                                                                                                                 QR Code to see the video.)
        pass these additional charges   BT CORP uses BP Windscreen      and your taxi’s details and
        onto their clients in the form of   Tag technology which       create an account
        fuel levies.                  eliminates credit risks. Details   3.  After you have completed
          In May, petrol is expected to   like driver details and odometer      this quick approval process
        increase by six cents a litre, while   reading are captured for every        and deposited some funds,
                                                                       you select a location to
        diesel and illuminating paraffin   purchase, so you can stop      pick up your disc from the
        costs are expected to drop. This   chasing down fuel receipts from      list provided
        decrease will provide some relief   your vehicles’ drivers.
        but will not lower the price paid   This product is specifically   4.  Place the disc on your taxi’s
        significantly.                targeted at small, medium and        windscreen and you are
                                                                       good to go
          Through BT CORP’s           micro businesses. As a business
        prepaid offer, you can obtain   owner you are able to manage   The cash back accumulated
        a minimum cashback of         your business’s fleet vehicles   each month is credited to your
        70 cents per litre of diesel   by monitoring and controlling   account. 
        purchased. Once your vehicle   employee spending. Ultimately,
        is registered on the programme   you would be able to easily   For more information contact:
                                                                    Tracy Engelbrecht
        your benefits are determined   account for every transaction,   E:

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