Page 17 - Training Manual Port City Realty Updated
P. 17

 Physical Characteristics
 It is preferable the comps have the same bedroom count as the subject. A adjustment is recommended if the comparable is:
  i) more than +/- 1 bedroom count of subject
  ii) more than +/- 1 bathroom count of subject
  iii) more than +/- 3 overall room count of subject
  Locations Recommendations
Urban: up to 1⁄2 mile Suburban: up to 1 mile Rural: up to 5 miles
 If comparables are not immediately available, expand search criteria one at a time starting with the least impact. Please note that price will differ from market to market. The following are common criteria which can be expanded (in no particular order):
 • Concessions • Lot size
• Age
• Room count • Date of sale • Radius
• Condition
• General amenities
Age: adjust 1⁄2%per year - Use effective age not chronological age. A totally dated 1970s house shouldn’t be treated like a totally remodeled 1970s house.
Square footage adjustments for additional square footage:
By sf: Under 1000 sf $10 / 1001-1400 $15-20 / 1401-2500 $20-25 / over 2500 $30+ By price range: Under $50K $-10 / 100-300K $20-$25 / $300+ $30+
1 full bath to 2 full baths 1.5 baths to 2 full baths Additional full baths Additional half baths BEDROOMS
2 TO 3 OR 3 TO 4 Additional bedroom PARKING
Double garage
Single garage
$5000 $2500
$8000 $6000

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