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DISTRICT 3231-A1                                                                          2018-2019
         We Serve

        Principal District PRO
        Bulletin Editor ~HAVOVI GANDHI, MJF

        For Private Circulation Only        Reaching out to make a difference          Issue 2, December 2018 - March 2019

        From the Editor’s Desk,
                        Friends, we are Honoring our District Governor today, and on behalf of Lady Lions of District 3231-A1, I hereby sincerely thank our District
                        Governor Lion Divyeshbhai Shah for giving us an equal opportunity to “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change” as this is the theme for
                        International Women’s Day 2019 which happens to be today. Our First Lady International President Lion Gudrun Yngvadottir did believe in
                        herself at every step in Lionism, and did everything possible to help forge a more gender-balanced Lionism Globally. Women have come a long
                        way , yet there’s still more to be achieved !
                        We would like to extend our appreciation for the amazing work done by you Sir, this Lionistic year 2018-19. The endless hours that you spent
                        working on different activities in Lionism, and the professionalism that you brought to it only goes to show how dedicated you were in wanting to
                        achieve the best for District 3231-A1. Thank you for your endless patience, motivation and persistence which helped Lions to rise and soar.
                        We join together in wishing you and your family every success in many exciting new ventures.
        Best Wishes.
        Principal District Cabinet Pro & Bulletin Editor

                       LION DIVYESH SHAH,PMJF   , District Governor             LION DR. ASHOK MEHTA, PMJF
                       Second Century Ambassador                                 International President, 2005-06
                       It has been a great year at the helm of affairs, and I    Dear Principal Dist. Cab. PRO Lion Havovi Gandhi,
                       sincerely thank you all for reposing your trust & faith, and   I  am  ver y  happy  to  learn  that  District
                       electing me as your District Governor in the 102nd year   Administration under the leadership of 1st Vice
                       of our Association.  I have tried my best to be worthy of   District Governor Lion Kamlesh Dalal and 2nd Vice
                       the position and further the aims and objectives of the
                       world's  largest  service  organization  “Lions  Clubs    District  Governor  Lion  Raj  Kumar  Gupta,  have
                                                                                 organized  on  8th  March  2019,  honoring  of  our
                                                                                 District Governor Lion Divyesh Shah.
        This  year  I  have  strived  to  organize  and  conduct  different  programs  and   I had known Divyesh much before he became an active Lion.  Since our
        activities.  Many challenges have emerged from diverse directions and have
        been met squarely each time.  District 3231-A1 strives to change in response to   Past Governor Lion V.K. Shetty took over as a District Governor, he
        changing  conditions,  keeping  the  important  goals  and  values  in  sight.    appointed Divyesh in charge of “Adoption of Institutions”.
        Adapting to constant change is in itself an exciting achievement.  The concept was completely new but Divyesh by an act of benevolence
                                                                 brought to the light many service organizations and charitable trusts to
        It is a fact that no organization can succeed without a sustained and focused
        effort from all, and I am happy that I have received full support from all the   the light of many Lions.
        members of the Lions Clubs of our District 3231-A1 in enhancing the image of   Divyesh   took me to some Institutions which was out of the world as far
        Lionism  by  carrying  out  various    community  based    projects/service   as lions organization is concerned and in fact Divyesh brought to the
        activities/programs  &  giving  good  supports  in  fullling  the  Administrative   light Lions activities in that organization, and Lions came to know about
        aspects of the Clubs & the District in coordination with our MICRO Team,   the  organizations like these.
        Region Chairpersons, Zone Chairpersons & District Chairpersons of working   Very sparingly spoken, hardly talks about himself, very unassuming but
        voluntarily and in sync as One Team with One Vision and One Goal – a single   always prepared to put his hands in the pocket to participate nancially
        minded dedication to achieve the best for our District and its future. However,   in every good cause.
        Our District 3231-A1 lacks in growth of membership particularly Young &   Highly  qualied    professional  partnering  with  very  senior  and
        women membership in the Clubs although our District 3231-A1 has a Positive
        growth till date. For strengthening & functioning of the weaker Clubs, much   prominent Chartered Accounts of India with Shri Bansi Mehta.
        things needs to be done. Thanks to all the clubs for your positive approach &   Divyesh and family have found time and participates   nancially in
        supports  in  participating  for  C.Q.I  program  which  will  enable  us  in   many deserving projects.
        strengthening our District.                              Divyesh's wife Swati and daughter Prachi have also supported Divyesh
        I sincerely thank my DG Team both the Vice District Governors Lion Kamlesh   so well that the family has become one in participating in most of the
        Dalal and Lion Raj Kumar Gupta along with our District Administration for   Lions work, always smiling and ready to support Divyesh in all his
        Honoring me and my family and I appreciate the efforts put in by our Principal   endeavors.
        Cabinet PRO Lion Havovi Gandhi for compiling and coordinating with all the   I wish and pray that Divyesh and family has a very good and healthy life
        Clubs to come out with an Excellent   2nd issue of the District Governor's   and continue to do the good work for building bridges between the
        Newsletter.  Indeed an honor to me on my felicitation day.  haves and the have nots.
        Let's join hands ourselves on the excellence of everything & justify our slogan   I wish him all the success.
        ”We serve with Pride”.

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