Page 22 - SAFFER Magazine 01
P. 22

Silly Me!                           you ask? Well, the regional hockey   it’s just my pregnant friend and myself. A
                                            umpires’ association had a monthly
                                                                                few eyebrows are raised but the tutor is
                                            meeting and we often asked umpires/
                                            referees from other sports to give us a bit   great and helps us find our feet. The next
                                                                                week, 2 more of us attend and the guys
                                            of insight into their world. One night this
        By Inge Bevers                      cricket umpire turns up with 2 players   are slightly surprised, but when female
                                                                                number 5 attends from the 4th night
                                            and says nothing when asked to start. He   onwards, they’re completely thrown.
                                                          looks right, he looks
                                                          left, asks ‘may I speak’   Clearly a point of ‘do females play cricket
                                                          and off he goes telling   and even if so, what are they doing
                                                          us about laws, spirit   thinking they can do an umpires course’.
                                                          of the game and all   When we all pass the exam, some of them
                                                          sorts of things. I start   are horrified – we might decide to go and
                                                          following the game as   umpire!
                                                          it is still on the Beeb
                                                          (BBC) and a couple of   Three of us do – my friend is due in June
                                                          years later fall in love   so she’s out for the season, but with 2
                                                          with an English umpire   others I decide to do a few matches to
                                                          who plays cricket     see what happens. The first match is with
                                                          in the summer. Still   my friend’s father, Division 2 so nothing
                                                          not playing the game   too frightening. All is well in the first
                                                          though.               innings apart from me feeling completely
                                                                                uncomfortable because of the lack of
                                                          When I decided to     playing experience; I used to umpire top
                                                          retire from top hockey,   men’s and women’s leagues of hockey, but
                                                          I also decided to give   having started playing age 10 and having
                                                          this cricket game a go.   played at a decent standard, I knew that
                                                          And a friend of mine   game inside out and I could feel the guys
                                                          plays the game and her   on the cricket pitch were sceptical at best.
                                                          Dad is on the National   And then I give out RUN OUT to the
                                                          Umpires’ Committee,   home captain. Mind you, he was out by a
                                                          so the connection is   yard at least and knew it, but I had only
                                                          quickly made. My      moved to about45 degrees and therefore
                                                          friend tells me I need   wasn’t aligned with the popping crease.
               ossie asked and doesn’t know   to play and, as her team is often short
               what he’s got himself into. I’m   of females – I later discover that this is   He was not amused and the whole of the
        VDutch, so I take myself and what   par for the course in the lower women’s   Sparta sports complex could hear what he
        I do extremely seriously. That said, I do   league in Holland – I can join  them   thought of my decision. He walks past my
        call myself half Irish after 6 years in the   immediately. The remainder of the season  colleague on the way back to the pavilion
        country and absolutely falling in love   is 3 matches, 2 of them are rained off   and repeats some of it ‘whispered’ in his
        with the place and the people, so I do a   during or after the 1st innings, I get to bat  ears.
        bit of the ‘taking the mick out of myself’,   at 11 twice, run around the square leg or
        so why not show a bit of me, here we go.  midwicket boundary sliding my way into   Second innings starts and Phil, the home
                                            preventing 4s and into the team. I was   captain, who has clearly figured out that
        Some of you may recognise my name   hooked.                             I’m on my first match, opens the bowling.
        from cricket or hockey. As a 10-year old                                You’ve guessed it, at my end. Anything
        I started playing hockey and to this day I   Then winter comes and so does the   that hits the pads gets an appeal and the
        do not know how I didn’t end up playing   umpiring course. Eight Thursday   first one of way too many, is done from
        cricket a few years later as most of my   evenings starting at 8 and there are 5 of   about 5 foot in front of me and all I can
        team mates were playing cricket in the   our team who are interested, my friend is   think is ‘please don’t give away that you’re
        summer and the 3rd pitch of the cricket   one of them and she’s 5 months pregnant.   absolutely shaking’. Welcome to cricket in
        club next door was a strip of gravel                                    the Netherlands and to former oversees
        between pitch 2 and 3 at the hockey club.   Due to misunderstandings, we miss the   pro’s who have married Dutch girls and
        Some of the guys I looked up to in the   first Thursday but come well prepared   now captain or sub-captain their teams.
        hockey club, and my sister’s PE teacher,   on evening 2. The others on the course
        were even playing for the Netherlands’   are 6 or 7 gentlemen, all of them with   The debrief is in my colleague’s garden
        national team – or so I discovered about   subcontinental roots. That night their   and it’s not pretty. I decide that I’ll give
        25 years later.                     world as they know it ends.         it a few more matches as my hockey
                                                                                experience tells me that I’m not all that
        How did I get involved in cricket I hear   The other 3 can’t make it on night 2, so   bad, I just had a fanatic Kiwi as a captain

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