Page 8 - André Deymonaz - 2016 ©atelierrean
P. 8

André, 1re exposition personnelle, 1986 Croquis dans les Alpilles Atelier « La Buisse », 2003 Esquisse au fusain, 2016

My studio.

My studio, facing the Mediterranean, makes me want to paint, admit people laugh at me a bit because of it, but not to worry, 

day in, day out. It’s a bit untidy, I must admit, but I’m not improving that’s how it is.

with age.
I share part of the studio with Chantal, my wife, who has been 

making models for a number of years with a great deal of pleasure. 

In this room, the paintings in progress stand on a few easels, I can see, and I’m not alone, that she has a real talent. She doesn’t 

with or without a crank mechanism, with or without notches.
find it easy to show off her work due to a lack of confidence and 

But my favourite is one I designed myself: it’s a unique piece that modesty, which is a pity!

doesn’t look like a normal easel, it’s a bit archaic, but completely 

automatic, well, almost.

There is also a made-to-measure cupboard, also designed by 

myself, where all the most important equipment is kept, and above 

all, is ready to hand. Nothing is in a fixed position, everything is on 

wheels, so I can move it where I want it. This «mobile» studio means 

I can move around my studio and play with the light, if need be.

I ended up designing my own work furniture, thinking that if 

you want something done, you should do it yourself, and I must


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