Page 32 - The Wet Towel Monster
P. 32

   Wet towel monsters are enigmatic creatures that transform their appearance based on the marital status of their users. These monsters inhabit certain natural sites like tossed on the couple’s bed, on the bathroom floor or even random spots like the dining table or piled on top of other wet towel monsters. These mythical and legendary beasts are usually the trigger of multiple colossal fights between couples. His influence is catastrophic in relationships, transforming these humans into monsters whilst maintaining their consciousness.
Other atypical colossal monsters are the tooth paste tube, rubbish bin, the clock of punctuality, and the toilet seat. These horrifying shapeshifters and abnormal creatures are created by genetic or environmental mutations in relationships (who inhabit certain natural sites). The monsters inside this book are ghastly creatures whose purpose is to confuse and scare humans and other creatures.

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