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                                       Upto 150 ppm

                                        Total Dissolved Solids

                                       It represents the total concentration of dissolved substances in water. TDS is made up of inorganic salts, as
                                       well as a small amount of organic matter. However, while TDS itself may be only an aesthetic and technical
                                       factor, a high concentration of TDS is an indicator that harmful contaminants, such as iron, manganese etc.
                                       can also be present in the water. Water treatment facilities can use reverse osmosis to remove the dissolved
                                        solids in the water that are responsible for elevated TDS levels.


                                                  Upto 150 ppm
                                     01             Total Dissolved Solids

                             03                                                   02

                                                 PARAMETERS OF
                               ORP               HEALTHY WATER.                 pH

                            -50 to -250                                       7 to 8.5

                             Oxidation Reduction Potential               Potential Of Hydrogen

                      ORP                                                pH

                      -50 to -250                                        7 to 8.5

                                                                         Potential Of Hydrogen
                      Oxidation Reduction Potential
                                                                         When talking about water, its pH value is realted directly to ratio of postively
                      A negative ORP reading indicates that a substance is an   charged  hydrogen  ions[H+]  and  negatively  charged  hydroxyl  ions  [OH-].
                      oxidizing agent. The lower the reading, the more anti - oxidizing  The pH scale is a logarithmic scale, which means that when the pH increases
                      it is. As such, a substance with an ORP reading -400mv is 4   or decreases by one unit, you change the concentration of H+ ions tenfold.
                      times more anti- oxidizing than a substance with an ORP   So for example, a solution with a pH of 8.0 is ten times more alkaline than a
                      reading of -100 mV.                                solution with a pH of 7.0
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