Page 2 - LDBD WEBSITE Preview - Vol. 6, Issue 1 - Jan Feb Mar 2018
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Welcome to the Twenty Second (22nd) edition of The Living Day By Day Magazine. The theme for this edition is entitled The
Beginning of a TAKE OVER.
It is officially two thousand eighteen (2018) and the TAKE OVER has begun. In other
words, out with the old and in with the NEW. Your struggles, difficulties and issues are
over. You made it into two thousand eighteen (2018) and this year marks the beginning of
a major TAKE OVER.
What does taking over mean to you? What is it in your life that calls for a TAKE OVER.
You may have failed in 2017, but in 2018 God has given you a NEW start and another
opportunity to TAKE OVER.
TAKING OVER in 2018 will bring about dominion, prosperity, opportunities and victory
in various areas of your life. You may not feel like TAKING OVER or embracing a
NEW beginning, but 2018 is spiritually ordained for a NEW beginning to take place in
your life.
Spiritually speaking, the number eight (8) is symbolic for New Beginnings. No matter
how things looks in your life or how you feel, a major TAKE OVER is about to begin in
your life. The bible states in Genesis 1:28:
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish
the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing
that moveth upon the earth.
You are designed to have dominion which means to TAKE OVER. Don’t allow people in your life to make you feel like you
can’t have dominion. You can TAKE OVER every issue, difficulty or struggle by allowing the might and power of God to work
in your life. With God on your side you can’t and will not lose. I don’t care about the enemies that are against you or how
things look, the power of God that is in you (1 John 4:4) will make your enemies a foot stool for you.
(Luke 20:43).
As you transition into 2018, don’t wait for someone to tell you to TAKE OVER, God has already ordained for you to TAKE
OVER. Man may not be with you, but the power and the favor of God is with you and that’s all you need to TAKE OVER.
In closing, I’m TAKING OVER by continuing to publish the Living Day By Day
Magazine which continues to be an avenue of inspiration, education and information. We’d love to hear from you!
Send your letters to:
Blessings to you all, Elder Lakeba Wallace
Editor in Chief
Elder Lakeba Wallace Attn: Living Day By Day Letters
Magazine Editor/Radio Personality P.O. Box 642 Conyers, GA 30012 Send email to:
Elder Lakeba Wallace is a single parent of two beautiful children (Latesha and Deandre), Realtor, Author, Radio/TV Personality, Motivational Speaker, Breast Can-
cer Survivor/Educator, and a woman of "EXTREME" Faith.
As an accomplished writer, Elder Wallace has published two books, You Can Make It and The Deliverance Book and she is currently in the process of publishing
three more books, In Many Wars, Understanding and Identifying Breast Cancer and Living Day By Day—A Family Guide to Daily Living. Elder Lakeba also wrote a
poem entitled, "So You Thought."
She is the Host of the Living Day By Day Radio Show that airs on 108 Praise Radio ( and BlogTalk Radio (
living‐day‐by‐day‐). The Living Day By Day TV Shows will air soon on local stations nationwide.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the articles/ads in the Living Day By Day Magazine is that of the owners of the articles/ads and not the opinion of
Elder Lakeba Wallace, Editor in Chief or any staff or Volunteers of the Living Day By Day Magazine. No parts of the Living Day By Day Magazine can be reproduced
without the written or verbal permission of Elder Lakeba Wallace.
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