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Relative variation in observed gravity readings over different geological structures.
                 Gravity Anomaly #1 – Diatreme

                 The first example is a diatreme where granite has been broken up and redeposited within a volcanic vent.
                 A reduction in density has occurred due to an increase in porosity. Although a sandstone layer covers
                 the diatreme it is detectable by the gravity survey method because a mass deficit exists. A negative
                 gravity anomaly is the result.
                 Gravity Anomaly #2 – Dyke
                 The next example shown is a dolerite dyke intruding granite. Both rocks have virtually the same
                 porosity so this is not the cause for the different densities. The mineral composition of the dyke means
                 it a much denser than the granite. Again, the overlying sandstone unit is no barrier to the gravity survey
                 method. Due to the extra mass associated with the dyke, a positive gravity anomaly is recorded in the
                 survey results
                 Gravity Anomaly #3 – Hidden Fault
                 Faults can also be detected by the gravity surveys. Granite has been brought next to sandstone because
                 of fault action. Later, a sandstone layer has covered the fault however the structure is still detectable by
                 the gravity survey method because of the mass differences immediately below the sandstone layer.
                 Granite has a higher density than sandstone and therefore contains more mass than the sandstone in a
                 given volume. A positive response occurs over the granite while a negative response occurs over the

                  How Is A Gravity Survey Done?
                                        Gravity Meter. Image CC
                 Gravity surveys can be can be either aerial, ship-based on land-based. On
                 land, surveys use four wheel drive vehicles and quad bikes. The gravity meter
                 or gravimeter is a very delicate instrument as. It is highly sensitive and great
                 care is required, as the unit is easily damaged by vibrations and shocks in
                 transit. Minor vibrations may also affect the readings as they are being taken
                 at each locality.
                 Once the gravity measurements have been collected data are processed by
                 the geophysicist. The data is then plotted as a computer-generated map. The
                 geophysical  anomalies  mapped  are  then  studied  by  the  geologist  who
                 overlays  geochemical  and  other  geophysical  data.  The  geologist  looks  for
                 coincident  anomalies  which  can  then  be  followed  up  with  field  work  and
                 Iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposits can be identified quite successfully
                 using the gravity survey method. These deposits give a strong positive gravity
                 anomaly due to the abundance of hematite, an iron oxide mineral, which is
                 much  denser  than  the  surrounding  non-mineralised  rock.  Due  to  strong  alteration  of  magnetite  to

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