Page 52 - Martial Science Magazine Apr/2015 #8
P. 52

The age of King Ravana which was some 6000 years
             ago, is considered to be the time when the art of Angam
             was at its pinnacle. Ravana was said to be a specialist in
             pressure point healing. This is evident in the medical
             writings done by Ravana. The association between Ra-
             vana and Angam it  is strong, it is such that, even today,
             Angam gurus begin their training only after lighting a
             lamp in memory of this ancient Sri Lankan King. The
             art of Angam which was developed for so many thou-
             sands of years has done its best in protecting Sri Lanka
             from its enemies.

             Ravana is said to have also been a specialist in all forms
             of Angam. History tells us that he has written several
             books about it as well. This master in Angam is said to

             have trained all his soldiers, cavalry and other types of  are inconsistent records of instances in history where it
             mounted troops in the art of Angam.               has appeared but briefly, only disappear from the books
                                                               of history leaving gaps as well as a lot of unanswered
             Ravana is also said to have ruled over many states in  questions.
             southern  and central India.  To  maintain such a large
             empire, it is obvious that the aid of something as for-  Angam is believed to have been a part of the ancient
             midable as Angampora was essential. Even now, after  culture of Sri Lanka that dates back to over 10000 years.
             all these ages, certain families still have deadly Angam  It had evolved from generation to generation, standing
             fighting styles names after Ravana, which specifically  the formidable test of time, and once became an indis-
             use pressure points to disable and eliminate ones oppo-  pensable part of the Sri Lankan way of life.
             nents.                                            For centuries the country went through most turbulent
                                                               eras that required it’s rulers to muster defenses with the
             The history of angam had never been recorded on an  help of their fellow countrymen, to battle disturbances
             official treatise. However it is a privilege that the tech-  that came from foreign lands as well as dissention from
             nical aspects of angam had been documented by angam  within.
             warrior clans of Sri Lankan history.  All that we have

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