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P. 15

conference  from  December  the need for food, while Dr.
              9-11, which provides CME  Michael Greger addressed
              credits in preventive and in-    the impact of food and nu-
              tegrative medicine through  trition on health, focusing on
              educational sessions, inte-      ways in which to prevent and
              ractive lectures, and an exhi-   treat disease with diet. While
              bit hall that hosts hundreds of  many presentations offered
              exhibiting companies. In ad- specific diagnostic criteria for
              dition to five keynote presen-   disease, many speakers si-
              tations, the Congress featu-     multaneously focused on the
              red 84 lectures, 82 speakers,  broader picture of changing
              20 learning tracks, sponso- medicine. Pioneering can-
              red workshops, and product  cer doctor and researcher
              presentations. The  confe-       Dr. David Agus discussed
              rence reinforced the overar- ways in which practitioners
              ching aim of preventive and  and professionals in medical          Grandmaster John Pellegrini and his
              integrative medicine, coupled  healthcare can thrive in the               wife Trina Pellegrini
              with the critical need to shift  new world of healthcare, whi-
              the landscape of healthcare  le Dave Asprey - founder of          practices and patients, and
              in order to better diagnose  Bulletproof and podcast host         network with medical profes-
              and treat patients. Delegates  - examined the link between        sionals from an array of dis-
              were asked to consider the  mitochondria  and willpower,          ciplines and fields. The World
              implementation of changes  while  providing  information          Congress event concluded
              and  protocols  in  their  res-  and techniques to improve        with its participants unders-
              pective practices and profes-    the body’s biochemistry while    tanding and internalizing its
              sions, and how ‘all the pieces  optimizing the abilities of the   initial theme: all the pieces
              come together:’ the central  body and mind. In addition to        coming together.
              theme of the conference.  speakers, lectures, and edu-
              Some of the most promi-          cational sessions, the exhibit         About the AmericAn
              nent and influential leaders  hall boasted 350+ exhibitors,           AcAdemy of Anti-Aging
              in medical technology and  whose  products  included
              healthcare delivered keyno-      aesthetic devices and equip-     Established in 1992, A4M is the
              te addresses throughout the  ment, nutraceuticals, and hi-        leading  nonprofit  medical  so-
              conference. Renowned neu- gh-tech  medical  equipment.            ciety dedicated to the detection,
              rologist Dr. David Perlmutter  Several  companies  offered        prevention, and treatment of di-
              presented his findings on  product  showcases,  which             seases  associated  with  aging.
              rewriting the brain, highligh- demonstrated  the  products’       The organization is comprised of
              ting the link between brain  potential impacts on patients        over 26,000 members from 120
              health and nutrition. Under-     and  professional  practices.    nations across the globe, and is
              lining the importance of we- Overall, the conference offe-        dedicated  to  educating  medical
              llness and nutrition, leading  red an exciting opportunity to     and  public  health  professionals
              Harvard Medical School ex-       be at the forefront of the in-   and  practitioners  on  the  most
              pert Dr. David Ludwig dis- dustry: the optimal platform           progressive  and  innovative  re-
              cussed the ways in which  for  its  delegates  to  establi-       search, in addition to cutting-ed-
              people are always hungry,  sh new business contacts,              ge scientific technologies.
              and the triggering factors  receive extensive educa-
              and  catalysts  that  lead  to  tion engineered to enhance

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