Page 21 - Martial Science Feb Issuu 19_Active
P. 21
Michelle Manu other fabulouse acts like the
be in Munich for Wushu Team from GM Serge
the event and Seguin, The Romanian Kara-
also hold a exi- te Show Team and others.
ting seminar on
Friday afternoon Speaking from England, the-
The welcome party will be at the martial re will be Olypmic Competi-
held on Friday also nearby arts school of Master Gre- tor and Actor Silvio Simac,
for the meet and great, to gor Huss as one of the first 12time world champion in
keep eveything within wal- highlights of this event which freestyle Miss Emma Elmes
king distance if possible. can be booked separatly. and I am a women and I lift“
Agata Dowding who started
Many celebrities and martial Off course the event will be her career at the Munich Hall
arts Legends are awaited covered by Martial Scien- of Honours some years ago,
this year lead by Cynthia Ro- ce magazine as previouse from Germany Wushu and
throck, the Queen of Martial events, and also by warrior Kickbox Champion, Model
Arts. martial arts magazine, and and Actress Anqi Nimbach
many other media.
For the first time Master Huss is very proud
this year will Also for the first time that for the second time after
K u m u there will be a great 2016 Anti-aging Guru, World
show with the famous Record holder and Martial
„Edmunds Sistas“ Arts Master Dr. Robert Gold-
from UK performing man will be attending the
at the evening gala event again and fly over from
event, next to many Chicago.
FEBRUARY/2017 21