Page 23 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2016 #17
P. 23
The special skill of Bernd Hohle
In over 500 press reports, more
than 20 Magazine Covers, in over
30 books, more than 40 educa-
tional films and in several Movies
of German martial artist Bernd
Hoehle is perpetuated.
As chairman of a big international
association of the Martial Arts As-
sociation, he was the charitable
initiatives “martial artists with a
heart” and successfully establish
“martial artists without borders”
and the martial arts charity Great
Seminar the “Martial Arts Day”.
As Ambassador of the Children
Fund “International Children
Help”, commander of the orga-
nization the “Sword of Freedom
Corps”, NGO delegate to the
United Nations in Genève and as
an ambassador of peace organi-
zation “Flame of Peace” was Ber-
nd Hoehle active in many humani-
tarian projects in many countries.
It was schools in Africa and in the
Philippines as well as a hospital
in Nepal were built. Ambulance to
Ghana and Paraguay as well as a
complete Dentist practice donat-
ed. Many humanitarian relief op-
erations worldwide undertaken in
crisis areas. The American Trinity
University has awarded Hoehle
this year the Honoary Doctorate
for his humanitarian activities.
In sportive area he could besides
the worldchampion title also up
this year at the World Games
several world records. Bernd
has broken the record in beer
cans smashed with a raw egg in
the Hand. On the famous Walk
of Fame in Hollywood, he could
break the record in pushups on
raw eggs, accompanied by a
OCTOBER/2016 23