Page 29 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2016 #17
P. 29

Agustin 13 years old: jiu jitsu world league champ and
              grappling champ, Frank 14 years old: world champ,
               national champ and world league champ, Jose 14      MASTER MICHAEL CEIJAS
              years old: two time world champ, panams champ ,      AKA CUBAN MIKE
             grappling champ and world league champ, Edwin 13
             years old: world champ, grappling champ and world
             league champ, Zion 15 years old: No Gi world champ,   He trained wrestling for 9 years , He
                             world league champ                    was a member of the national juve-
                                                                   nile Cuban team and member of the
                                                                   wrestling academy in Cuba , national
             wrestling champ in Cuba , He train judo with professor Jose Carricarte y Feliberto
             ,He  train jiu jitsu  for over nine years mine achievement is two time pan ams champ
             , world champ , five time Las Vegas international jiu jitsu open champ , New York in-
             ternational jiu jitsu open champ  , Boca raton FL international open champ , grappling
             champ , Naga grappling champ and numerous of the tournament ,his professor in jiu
             jitsu is the legendary Fredson Paixao and He is  certified by the ibjjf ( international
             Brazilian jiu jitsu federation ) and He has  numerous student  champion  for the years
             that He has been  coach.

               Aleija 13 years
              old: world champ
             ,Michelle 10 years
             old: world champ,
               national champ
                and two time
              panams champ,
              Valeria 13 years
              old: world league

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