Page 37 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2016 #17
P. 37
Modern Nuns and Modern Monks: WING CHUN TEMPLE is the New Testament,
which stresses more on the inward instead of
An ordinary life but living as an extraordinary outward appearance.
life as a human being…
The bottom line is that Wing Chun Kung Fu is
Life as the Modern Nuns and Monks are all a very adaptive martial arts, which is a way of
about bringing positive outcomes to oursel- life, and our survival is based on adaptation
ves, others and our society as a whole. with time and environment for the survival of
the fittest, and Wing Chun is just THAT.
We are thriving to live a life as Modern Nuns
and Modern Monks for our modern day in ac-
cordance to WING CHUN TEMPLE’s philo-
sophy, mission and vision, which contrasts to
traditional monks, who are usually males only
and strictly following traditional rules that are
rigid and nearly impossible to follow; in addi-
tion monks have to shave his head and put on
a rope as an outwardly appearance.
However, living Modern Nuns and Modern
Monks, it’s not about outwardly appearance,
but what is important is in the heart as to be-
ing a good human being as best as you can.
For example, how many parents are out there
working so hard to support their family yet not
being recognized and appreciated by our so-
ciety due to the fact that is just the way of life.
But being a good parents are not easy, they
have to sacrifice so much for the sake of their
family. This concept of Modern Nuns and Mo-
dern Monks is entailed what the art of Wing
Chun is all about.
WING CHUN TEMPLE was established by gi-
ving honor back to Shaolin Temple due to the
fact that Abbess Ng Mui came from Shaolin
She was the creator of Wing Chun Kung Fu,
which is one of the greatest Kung Fu system
of all. Wing Chun Kung Fu system is a spiritual
martial arts that is also based on scientific me-
thodology. The emphasis is on the Concepts
and Principles rather than techniques. And
instead of using force, it uses flow, directness,
deflection, timing, sensitivity, etc. This art form
is characterized as graceful because of the
flow and fluidity of the movements yet with
very explosive power when needed.
As Modern Nuns and Monks, we do not have
to shave our heads and put on a rope. The phi-
losophical and spiritual aspect of Buddhism
are in our hearts, which is what matter most
in our modern day. For instance, Shaolin Tem-
ple is like the Old Testament in the Bible, and
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