Page 45 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2016 #17
P. 45

crying, “Beads for sale! Beads for  look,  he  knew  for  certain  the  is worth a hundred thousand
             sale!”                           bowl was real gold.               pieces of silver. I’m sorry but I
                                                                                don’t have that much money.”
             When the young girl heard his  He sat there frowning and
             cry, she begged, “Please buy me  thinking until his greed got the  Astonished at his words, the
             a trinket, Grandmother.”         better of him. At last he decided  old woman said, “Sir, another
                                              to try to get the bowl without  peddler who came here a little
             “We’re very poor, dear. There’s  giving the woman anything  while ago  said that  it was not
             not a cent in the house and I  whatever for it. Pretending to  worth half a cent. He got angry,
             can’t think of anything to offer  be angry, he growled, “Why did  threw it on the floor, and went
             in exchange.”                    you bring me this stupid bowl?  away. If it wasn’t valuable then,
                                              It isn’t worth half a cent!” He  it must be because of your own
             The  girl  suddenly  remembered  threw the bowl to the floor, got  goodness that the bowl has
             an old bowl. “Look!” she cried.  up, and stalked out of the house  turned into gold. Please take it,
             “Here’s an old bowl. It’s of no  in apparent disgust.              and just give us something or
             use to us. Let’s try to trade it for                               other for it. We will be more than
             something nice.”                 Since it had been agreed  satisfied.”
                                              between the two traders that
             What the little girl showed her  the one might try the streets  At that time the peddler had
             grandmother was an old bowl  which the other had already  only five hundred pieces of silver
             which had been used by the  covered,  the  honest  peddler  and  goods  worth  another  five
             great merchant, the late head of  came later into that same street  hundred.  He  gave  everything
             the family. He had always eaten  and appeared at the door of the  to the women, asking only to
             his curries served from this  house, crying, “Beads for sale!”     keep his scales, his bag, and
             beautiful, expensive bowl. After                                   eight coins for his return fare.
             his death it had been thrown  Once again the young girl  Of course, they were happy to
             among the pots and pans and  made the same request of  agree. After profuse thanks on
             forgotten. Since it hadn’t been  her grandmother, and the old  both sides, the trader hurried to
             used for a very long time, it was  woman replied, “My dear, the  the river with the golden bowl.
             completely covered with grime.  first peddler threw our bowl on  He gave his eight coins to the
             The two women had no idea it  the ground and stormed out of  boatman and got into the boat.
             was gold.                        the house. What have we got
                                              left to offer?”                   Not long after he had left, the
             The old woman asked the trader                                     greedy peddler returned to the
             to come in and sit down. She  “Oh, but that trader was nasty,  house, giving the impression of
             showed him the bowl and said,  Grandmother.  This  one  looks  having reluctantly reconsidered
             “Sir, my granddaughter would  and sounds very kind. I think he  their offer. He asked them to
             like a  trinket. Would you be  so  will take it.”                  bring out their bowl, saying he
             kind as to take this bowl and                                      would give them something or
             give her something or other in  “All right, then. Call him in.”    other for it after all.
                                              When the peddler came into the  The old woman flew at him. “You
             The peddler took the bowl  house, the two women gave him  scoundrel!” she cried. “You told
             in his hand and turned it  a seat and shyly put the bowl  us that our golden bowl was not
             over. Suspecting its value, he  into his hands. Immediately  worth even half a cent. Lucky for
             scratched the back of it with  recognizing that the bowl was  us, an honest trader came after
             a needle. After just one covert  gold, he said, “Mother, this bowl  you left and told us it was really
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