Page 5 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2016 #17
P. 5

We have begun to accept negative things in  her hand to her students and taught them
             the world of martial arts, to the point that  self-control, self-improvement, self-respect.
             today we see them as normal. When I was  When martial arts are taught without the
             little my grandmother always took me to  correct code of ethics, they are dangerous
             train martial arts, saw many sparring and  to society. A person without respect would
             always told me: You must be a gentleman  be lacking of tolerance . He would go the

             always, at all times, even with the enemy,  world regardless of others, using martial
             NEVER BLOWS TO SOMEONE ON THE  skills for their own benefit, fueling violence
             FLOOR, OR fOR tHE bACK, he is a gent- and creating suffering.
             leman expects this again standing face to
             face. Today however with televised violen- Let  us  fight  together  to  return  values    to
             ce, carried even video games mixed mar- the martial arts. Respect to ancestors and
             tial arts we can see how our young people  teach by example. Respect is more than
             are tought to hit the head of a  fallen man  good manners, is the balance that leads to
             as one of the best ways to win a match.           peace and understanding.

             Teachers smoking inside the dojo, walking
             shoes above the tatami, traditional unifor-

             ms are not used, the belts are sold on each
             test, all are approved for parent and stu-
             dent happy return to their homes and con-
             tinue to pay their monthly installments.
             We must return to the old school who held                  Henry Binerfa | Publisher/CEO
                                                                       Martial Science Publications, LLC

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