Page 51 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2016 #17
P. 51
HOW YOU GOT In 1998 I opened my own academy
STARTED IN THE affiliated with the organization of
MARTIAL ARTS? Maestro Aldo Navarro.
I started martial arts tra- In addition to my formal training
ining in 1985 at the age of Koreano System in 1994 began stud-
5 years in Shotokan with ying American Kenpo, remains engaged with the
the teacher Cesar Figue- system since I saw the Grand Master Gilbert Velez
roa who was a student on a show and from then on never stop.
of Sensei Shohiro Ko- Also in 1996 began to study Small Circle
yama our school was Jiu Jitsu, Arnis and Kick
very traditional there Boxing with Bill Dixon an
were only 4 tapes and American who lived in my
trainings were very rou- town, That was where I
gh, use Makiwara was started to see the martial
common, and the compe- art in a more critical
tition was very important way and I found the
to us, from small start to com- taste to full contact. I
pete strong but not only in won events in several
tournaments Karate Do but countries and different
open events, the sensei said leagues in Long Beach
you had to measure your- win several awards
selves against all, compe- from 1996 to 1999 in
ted commonly in the USA 2002 was my year un-
by the proximity of our city beaten since winning
Hermosillo Sonora Mexico the grand champion in fight
with the US border. in Ma- drid Spain and in different
tournaments where I went, win the team cham-
My training was in the art until pionship IKC with Anthony Cogliando, Sita Van
1990 when the sensei for perso- and Jeff Nelson in Dublin 2004, Utrecht 2006,
nal reasons stopped teaching and San Carlos 2007, with Yoskar Gamez and Johan
my father passed away and was Omaña in England in 2008, Las Vegas 2009, Bos-
until 1993 I resume my training in ton 2013, the great champion in forms in Long
the Korean system under the master Beach 2012 and the Alba Games in Venezuela
Aldo Navarro, during 1993-1998 in 2007, I had the opportunity to compete and
he learned in the academy and was give seminars in many cities also belong to the
where I trained as a black belt, I Hall of Fame Pittsburgh martial arts in 2006. My
was always competitive, minimum 2 training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu began in 2004 when
tournaments per month and someti- we started to promote MMA fights so in 2014 we
mes up to 3 tournaments on the same promoted the only law that exists in Mexico for the
weekend, my first International was promotion and regulation of MMA that gives pro-
the long Beach 1994 and was blown tection to professional fighters.
away by everything I saw there, mo-
vie stars , the recent champion of the
UFC Roice Gracie and competitors that
would leave a mark on me as Butch Togisa-
la, Leo Creer, Ray Wizard and many more.
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