Page 25 - Martial Science Magazine Dec 2018 Dig
P. 25

lot was lost, Lee managed to salvage, ex-          1) Ben Tan (Yip Kin Wing Chun)
               pand and improve on whatever was left.             2) DL Goh (Hung Gar)
               Combining this with the earlier Vagabond           3) Himself
               patterns and others which he picked up             4) Sifu Yap Boh Heong, Sifu Chong Chin Kean
                                                                       (Chee Kim Tong 5 Ancestors Fist )
               and exchanged with others, a complete              5) Brendan Lanza (Silat Chimande)
               Malaysian Vagabond System material-                6) Fong Ying Nam (WTF Tae Kwon Do, Sanda)

               ized with emphasis on the Tiger.                   7) Teh Kok Leong (Pekiti Tersia, 5 Ancestors Kung
                                                                  Fu, various Chinese arts)

               Around this time e noticed many other lo-          8) Sifu Sim Kam Fatt (Yip Man Wing Chun)
               cal arts were dying. He even looked at his         9) Sifu Lai Ho Lin (Lion Dance)
               own background and realized in certain             10) Lim Chee Hong (Choy Lay Futt Kung Fu)
               arts he was part of the last generation.           Currently he is in the process of writing
               His own grandmaster in the Bujinkan
               served as a good example to what these             a book on Malaysian Vagabond / Wander-
                                                                  er Tiger Fist. After he plans to write a few
               arts needed to do. They needed to open             more, with the first few ones on the arts

               their doors to the world.
                                                                  which are on the verge of extinction and
                                                                  which can’t be found in China. Sensei Lee
               So he created the Malaysian Wen Wu
               Martial Arts Association and reached out           is still searching for whatever can be sal-
                                                                  vaged in the Malaysian landscape.
               to like-minded individuals. The original
               group consisted of:

                  CONTACT INFORMATION:

                 – Malaysian Wenwu Martial Arts Association
                 - Bujinkan Hachiman Dojo

                 Home Page:

                 Master Guy edward Larke has been involved in the martial arts and in-
                 terested in Asian culture for most of his life. It brought him to Korea
                 18 years ago where he teaches various disciplines and writes for sever-
                 al magazines. He is also the Associate Editor for Seni Beladiri. Master
                 Larke  visits  Malaysia  regularly  to  teach  seminars  on  Korean  martial
                 arts. He can be found on Facebook or at

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