Page 7 - Martial Science Magazine Dec 2018 Dig
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works. Beyond the youtuber of martial arts and their I remember that person trained his content so consci-
blogs I also saw that there are online courses to learn entiously that he could surely go to a championship
martial arts. Today you can become a black belt even and possibly win with the techniques that he learned
without leaving the house, and my astonishment from that book or magazine. That is why I say that
went further when I saw that you could get the black everything depends on the attitude of man.
belt in one year.
I am particularly firmly rooted in the idea that the
Everything I found was not negative. I can say that I presence of the teacher is necessary and irreplace-
saw some teachers with very good videos, with expla- able, I recognize that any medium used is good for
nations and advice that serve as a guide for practi- the teaching-learning process. But there is noth-
tioners of any level. ing like the presence of a teacher who transmits the
teachings from lip to ear. Technology has helped us
Thanks to the internet, today with a few clicks we can to get very far, as far as the Moon itself, but there are
have access to an infinity of information. In the case places where we can only arrive in the same way that
of martial arts, many see a video tutorial of martial the saints and sages of the past arrived. There are no
arts and believe that because they see it two or three rockets that lead us to know ourselves, or teach us the
times they already master the techniques. There are depth of our spirit. At least so far for that trip we can
also many who download many books, or have pa- only be taken by the hand of the Master.
per books on their shelves and believe that by having Happy New Year!
them there they dominate everything they contain. I
tell them that they are collectors of martial informa-
tion, sometimes a lot of theory and very little prac-
tice. All teaching to be fruitful must be lived
In the end I summarize that everything depends on
Man. If man feels that strength, that real need, that Henry Binerfa | Publisher/CEO
Martial Science Publications, LLC
urge to learn martial arts, he can learn it even when
he sees the animals fighting, as did the ancestors of the
past. In my country and the time in which I lived my
youth, the information of the martial arts in printed
media was very limited, and not to mention audio
visual materials. If someone owned a magazine or a
martial arts book, it was as if he had a great treasure.