Page 13 - Martial Science Magazine February 2018 dig
P. 13

Boxing Daisy „The Lady“  miss. But the focus since
              Lang will  be at the Mu- 2017 is not only on the                        “THE MUNICH
              nich Hall of Honours and  martial  arts but also on
              from Germany  Worldcha- fitness and health, becau- HALL OF HONOURS

              mion Pro Boxing Nikki Ad- se these three branches                  OF MARTIAL ARTS,
              ler will be joining her.         belong to the same tree.
                                                                                       FITNESS AND
              Legends of the Art from  The Event  will be cove-
              many other countries in  red by many martial arts                           HEALTH”
              Europe  and  arround the  magazines, online and
              world also have already  printed, as well as major
              booked their  seats  or  martial arts and sports
              confirmed to come. Ip Man  magazine  like  AMPD  Ma-
              Wing Chun Legend Samuel  gazine from Netherland,
              Kwok,        Worldchampion Martial Science magazine.
              Emma  Elmes and Actor  Las Vegas USA, Warrior
              Silvio  Simac  as well as  Magazine  Germany and
              Actress  Zara Phythian  many more.
              from  the  UK,  GM Juerg
              Ziegler, GM Rudi Kaufmann  Featuring           the     „Strong
              and GM Albert Greber fom  man/woman“ contest now
              Switzerland  as  well  as  for the second time,  re-
              GM Hervè Gheldman, GM  sults in the overwhelming
              Keyvan Dehnad, GM Tho- acceptance of  last years
              mas Milan from Bosnia,  contest,  supervised by
              GM Dan Zahdour from  German Worldchampion in
              Denmark und  Delanoe  weightlifting Benno Stangl,
              Stephane from France, GM  UK`s lovely Agata Dowding
              Josy Murray from Ireland,  „I am a woman and I lift“
              GM Marco Morabito from  and earlier mentioned Fit-
              Italy, Josè Montes  from  ness Guru and worldre-
              Spain, GM Benny Erics- kord holder Dr. Bob.
              son from Sweden and GM
              Erhard  Kellner, GM Perry  Many more famous sport-
              Zmugg from Austria to  men and women from
              name just a few.                 Fitness and health are
                                               expected to attend this
              But off course there is  event and justifiy the new
              many more particioner  goal of this event:
              from each mentioned and
              many more countries as  “THE MUNICH HALL OF HO-
              far as NEPAL, INDIA  and  NOURS  OF MARTIAL ARTS,
              NEW ZEALAND.                     FITNESS AND HEALTH”

              The Munich Hall of Honours,  book your ticket today
              since many year referred  because deadline  for the
              to  as „the europaen Os- 2018 Event is on February
              car for the Martial arts“  28th, 2018
              has become truly one of
              the three top events of its
              kind in the world and a
              event nobody should ever

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