Page 20 - Martial Science Magazine February 2018 dig
P. 20
HOW MARTIAL person with the deformation of the
foot wears the insoles, it will solve the
ARTS HELP FLAT FEET problem of the flat foot. Unfortunately,
such an opinion is a big mistake. Also, it
people as well as in older people. The is wrong if children are forced to wear
third, and especially the fourth degree these insoles without gradual training,
of deformation of the feet are less com- especially when they are small.
mon and they have to be treated in cer-
tain medical institutions. People whose
feet are deformed to such a degree are
often characterized by a special way of
walk because such persons use the en-
tire width of the foot , accompanied by
lots of pain.
The treatment of the first two stages of
flat foot deformation will usually start
with the use of the orthotics (shoe in-
serts) to improve the foot position. Such
insoles are made of a suitable material,
most often of a softer plastic mass or
harder sponge mass and in combination
with leather. Certainly, people with foot People do not often understand the ex-
deformation should wear the insoles, tent of a flat foot problem as well as the
but they will not yield the desired re- consequences of the foot deformation.
sults without active exercises that de- People with flat feet deformation have
velop the feet muscles. The most effec- irregular way of walking and thus have
tive combination is the use of orthotics more frequent pain in the legs, calves,
and the required foot muscle strength- but also in the knees. People have poor-
ening exercises, because the shoe in- er circulation as well as more frequent
serts in that situation will have a task muscular pains. They often have pain in
to preserve the condition achieved by the hip, lower back, but also in the neck
exercising. muscles, which is why they have more
frequent headaches. Also, such persons
FLAT FOOT EXERCISES are prone to spinal column deformation
and have poorer posture and often have
Many people with flat feet deformity some spinal deformities such as -sco-
do not realize the importance of exer- liosis, lordosis, or kyphosis. Sometimes
cising certain foot muscles in order to they even have a slightly lowered shoul-
strengthen them and, therefore, firm der, and therefore a worse posture of
the foot. It is often thought that if the the body.