Page 102 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 102


                                     A Travelling Ronin

                               How to Engage Anyone:

                               The Four Circle Method

                         By: Martin “travelling ronin” FranshaM

             How to Engage Anyone: The Four Circle Method      the incredibly complex question of how to engage
             “Hey Coach? How would I defend myself against  any opponent.
             this guy?” Questions like this can be heard in Mar-
             tial Arts schools across the world. The reason it is  In order to accomplish this I fell back on Occam’s
             asked over and over again because of the terrifying  Razor as a guide. I wanted to make as few assump-
             prospects of being forced into an engagement and  tions as possible while raising my odds of success.
             not knowing how you should handle it. As a glo-   You obviously can’t  “beat” everyone but you can
             bal traveller I have had the privilege to train with  improve your ability to fight back.

                                                               The Four Circle Method has three primary circles,
                                                               Skill & Techniques, Strength and Speed. Surroun-
                                                               ding these is the larger circle of Endurance. This en-
                                                               forces the mindset that none of the circles can exist
                                                               without each other. For example, you cannot throw
                                                               a punch without Strength or Speed or if you don’t
                                                               have the endurance to lift your arm. Everything is
                                                               connected but you can use more of one attribute
                                                               over another.

                                                               With a quick glance over your opponent you can
                                                               make a series of snap judgements. Is my oppo-
                                                               nent stronger? Do I think they are quicker or more
                                                               athletic? Does this person look to be more skilled
                                                               or simply more proficient at their art? Based on this
                The Four Circles comprise of three primary     momentary information you now have a basis to
                circles that overlap inside the larger circle of   engage your opponent or opponents.
                                                               The goal is to get to balance point at the joining
             fantastic Martial Artists from coast to coast. While  of all three circles. If you can then you will large-
             this has provided me with unique training oppor-  ly control the fight. Short of a lucky punch, which
             tunities it has also meant I am always working with  does happen, your opponent’s only hope is to wear
             different people, body types and styles. Conse- you down with and hope that their conditioning
             quently, very early into my travels I had to deal with  will outlast yours. Simply put if you are stronger,

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