Page 122 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 122


                                                               The instruction technical and theoretical
                                          Definition of
                                                               allows the students a broader and more
                          Daibukan Bugei Ryu Ha.               solid knowledge of what they study. They
                                                               are allowed to apply creativity and adap-
                                                               tation on techniques, adapting them ac-

                  The Daibukan Bugei Ryu Ha is defined as      cording to their physique and skills, all of
                  a modern form of Budo with real and se-      this after mastering at its most elemental
                  rious roots. We are the right balance be-    base.
                  tween tradition and modernity. The mo-
                  vements and techniques are precise and
                  short, with necessary and elegant steps.            Education and Formation
                  Its name translates as “The Martial Aca-                     of Daibukan Bugei
                  demy of the Great Warrior’s House”.
                                                                                               Ryu Ha
                  We  do  not  jeopardize  the  effectiveness
                  for the visually spectacular and we always
                  promote non-aggression and non-violen-       The  formation  not  only  works from  the
                  ce, but the preparation is guided to deal    academic field but also moral. We seek to
                  and solve a real confrontation that can-     create fair, honest, and productive people
                  not be avoided.                              to our society.

                  The Daibukan Bugei Ryu Ha consists of        All  this  together  with  traditional  tea-
                  several  martial  programs  (Taijutsu,  We-  chings,  helps  educate our  students in
                  apons,  and  Therapeutic  system) all  of    ways that other schools do not achieve
                  which within a system that is adapted to     either by their focus dedicated to compe-
                  each practitioner according to their mar-    tition or toughest combat.
                  tial history.                                Obviously  the development of tactics,
                                                               physical, and martial skills are an impor-
                  The Daibukan Bugei is considered a Gen-      tant part but would  be useless without
                  dai Sogo Budo or a modern art composed       the above. The essence of martial bases
                  of several other arts. Nowadays there are    of the styles that integrate our Ryu  Ha
                  several schools that use the same princi-    offers a unique knowledge to the student,
                  ple, each of them doing their own work       something  completely  new that would
                  and all their point of view are respected.   not be found before in another school.

                  In  the particular  case  of Daibukan,  pri-  The levels in the Bugei Daibukan Ryu Ha
                  marily is rescued the code of ethics and     are established using as pattern the old
                  etiquette of the ancient samurai of feudal   ways  of  classification  starting  the  MU-
                  Japan. At the same time are both merged      DANSHA from  Nyumon  (entry or  start)
                  and harmonized concepts and strategies       and  through the primary  grades (Sho-
                  of current and ancient arts into one, the    den), medium (Chuden), superior (Oku-
                                                               den) and them reaching the higher levels
                  se come together in perfect harmony and      of YUDANSHA rank.

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