Page 130 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 130


             Inside the movie we did not see just the kids
             but also good martial artist like Benny Ur-
             quidez, Dan Inosanto, Richard Norton…

             First I wanted to have actors to do the  role of jud-
             ges but I decided at the last minute that It would be
             fun to see masters from martial arts movies togete-
             her at the end of the movie.One day we called every-
             body. We did not know their schedule but when they
             heard about the movie and what kind of movie was ,
             they showed up the next day. I think that was becau-
             se what the movie is about . I am really thankful for
             their support.

             Are you doing any new project?

             There is the possibility of making  Underdog Kids 2
             and there is a possibility of rebooting Best of the Best,
             currently the movie Best of the Best is in the 13 more
             inspirational movies of  all the time in Fandango.

             There is any possibility of seen  you working
             with Simon Rhee one more time?

             Absolutly, he is right now busy with   Stunt Coordina-
             tion and Fight Choreography  for martial art movie
             .He was recently the fight coordinator for Terminator

             Do you have something else that you would
             like to talk to

             I think that martial arts is the gratest sport in the
             world. it changes people for a better good and for
             me it is very important that all martial artist respect
             each other styles  .We need to embrace all the styles.
             We need to teach people not to knock people down but
             to lift people up. Because that is the lesson they will
             carry through the whole life. When people have a di-
             fficult time in live they wont give up. And that is what
             martial arts teaches no physically but also spiritual
             and mentally.

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