Page 136 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 136


                                                               plete martial artist. There are no shortcuts, and the
                                                               path requires great dedication and long term com-

                                                               When I hear questions like “Does this work?” or
                                                               “Is this practical on the street?” in their various
                                                               forms, I often also witness a form of distraction on
                                                               the part of the student. I believe this distraction is a
                                                               misdirection of the student’s attention on the par-
                                                               ticular technique rather than their own develop-
                                                               ment. It is tempting to go into a deep dive into the
                                                               context in which a technique might be used, along
                                                               with a variety of “what if” caveats, such as “what if
                                                               the attacker is shorter /taller /stronger /faster/...?”
                                                               The analysis at this point can be endless, and in my
                                                               opinion, meaningless. In the intensity of conflict,
                                                               all that discussion goes out the window, and what
                                                               is left is one’s training: pure and simple.

                                                               I suggest an alternative approach: let’s not get dis-
                                                               tracted about which art is the best (for whatever
                                                               purpose the student has in mind). Let’s assume that
                                                               most of the martial arts out there are excellent for
                                                               whatever their purposes are. After all, many very
                                                               talented people dedicated their lives to ensuring
                                                               those arts would be very good indeed, and can offer
                                                               countless examples as proof. Let’s instead assume
                                                               that each person is attracted to a particular mar-
                                                               tial art because of the complex variations in their

             Is My Martial

                      Art Effective

                                                               By Soke James Neiman,
             So much has been written on the merits of each    Founder of Shugyo Aikido
             martial art: there are countless opinions on why   w
             one martial art is effective or another is not. Cer-
             tainly many people have had their attention con-  humanity and personal history, and leave it at that.
             sumed by technical analyses and comparisons of  My assertion is that it doesn’t matter which art one
             various martial arts.                             chooses: it matters a great deal what one does with
                                                               the training.
             I have been teaching martial arts for many years
             and have trained in several, and over the decades  I  believe  this  situation  is  a great opportunity  to
             have had a chance to explore numerous areas and  encourage students to examine their dedication. I
             put together an image of what it takes to be a com-  would suggest offering students who ask such ques-

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