Page 167 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 167
Again, these are invaluable experiences that, An analogy I like is that of music, where you
in my opinion, change your perspective when have both Jazz and Classical styles. Jazz mu-
you go back to traditional karate. I feel that it sicians improvise and create their own version
makes everything have a richer, deeper mea- of the music in order to express their true fe-
ning. You still do the same movements but they elings and abilities. Classical players, on the
are coming from a different place inside of you other hand, feel they can be true to their fe-
because of the understanding you bring to it elings and their artistry without changing the
from these other experiences. music created by such masters as Mozart of
Beethoven. This is how I feel about traditional
CM: WITH THIS WIDE RANGE OF martial arts. I truly feel I can express myself
EXPERIENCES DO YOU STILL CONSI- and my continued growth, my heart and soul
DER YOURSELF A TRADITIONALIST? as a martial artist, without needing to change
the kata or techniques developed by the great
MC: Actually, in some ways I feel even more masters such as Chojun Miyage, the creator of
of a traditionalist than ever. I love practicing Goju Ryu. What I do feel is a desire to get more
kata, kihon, hojo undo and all the rest. It brings into older training methods like traditional
a deep level of satisfaction to me. Just because hojo undo (supplemental training). At the Jun-
I’ve had other experiences doesn’t negate what dokan, we are very fortunate to have quite a lot
I learned and get from traditional practice. of the original training equipment developed
and used by the founders of the style. There are
I believe that being part of a solid traditional pieces of equipment that were used by Chojun
curriculum is what helped me with all the other Miyagi himself in his original garden dojo. I
things. I think the power people noticed, the love having access to that kind of history and
ability to move, the fitness, the willingness to training. I really want to get more into those
learn, the discipline and commitment, the long- older methods while coming from a more expe-
term dedication, all of these things and more rienced perspective.
come from traditional martial arts training
and served me well in the other pursuits. CM: WILL YOU THEN, LEAVE YOUR
BEFORE? DO YOU, FOR EXAMPLE, MC: Not at all. One of the things I’m doing
MODIFY THE WAY YOU DO THE KATA, lately is getting together with some of my old
OR USE DIFFERENT TRAINING ME- mentors and working on how to integrate all
THODS? that experience into my personal expression of
my art. I really want to learn how to develop
MC: Many things haven’t changed at all. I’ve the application skills I gained in boxing and
never felt the need or desire to do things like get to that same level with all of my martial
change the kata or anything like that. I love techniques. I’m working on training methods
traditional Goju and I feel a greater unders- that, hopefully, will help me with that. Right
tanding of the meaning of the practices. I don’t now, it’s something I’m very excited about. On
have the slightest inclination to change that the physical level it feels like a next step in my
part of it. personal evolution as a martial artist.