Page 222 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 222
MOBI - Day could be the different exercises not only perform,
but made himself with, because - that’s the motto
of the “MOBI” - day - course “Getting involved
was explicitly allowed “:-).
The kart track in front of the hall, with vehicles of
karting Schleswig (Germany / Schleswig-Holstein)
was, according to Heiko Jürgensen “so much visi-
ted, as in the past 4 years is not”. Entire 198 trips
were done. “There was less than 5 minutes break,
our driver had to alternate seamlessly, so much the
rush this year was,” said the team of RSC North.
Even the wheelchair parcours, cared for by the sta-
ff and students of Occupational Therapists School
“school” Handewitt enjoyed great interest and the
Taurus the bull-riding facility of “Oops The event
outfitter in Satrup” threw off a total of 285 riders.
The Wheel of Fortune, the “hot wire”, make-up
the children and also the highest with 8.50 m
climbing tower in Germany, operated by the DAV
Flensburg, had large audiences. The extravagant
recumbents the manufacturer “hare” were marve-
led and extensively test driven and the curling of
The MOBI - Day in Flensburg/ Germany is with SV Adelby front of the main entrance of the Firth
a part of self-defense for people with disabilities / Hall viewers made curious to learn more about
wheelchair users. Organizer Karl Grant is coope- this relatively unknown sport discipline.
rating in this Part with the MAA-I. and the SOK.
The Martial Arts Association - International The team of Bequa Flensburg hosted as every year
represented by the MAA-I. Chairman Bernd the visitors with cakes, ice cream, popcorn, coffee,
Hoehle, Master Babak Saviz, Karsten Forester and cold drinks, etc., and in the hotel grounds there
Grandmaster Danny Koch supported this event was grilled sausages, crepes, smoothies and other
actively. goodies.
In particular, the gymnastic and skill course,
which was built and operated by the sports stu-
dents from the University of Flensburg - prevailed
hustle and bustle during the event. But the per-
formances of the boxers of DGF Flensburg, the
Capoeira Flensburg, the members of SoK Kamp-
fkunstschule / School and the team led by Babak
Philip Saviz around Holger Liedtke, Karsten Förs-
ter, Stefan Schmaltz and the team of Bernd Hoehle
in different martial arts and self-defense for People
with handicaps / wheelchairs were observed with
great interest by the audience, and some of them