Page 229 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 229
if someone is interested in assistinG How would tHey
would tHey contact you?
Our tickets are limited at this time to only 20
children and 100 adults
Our office may be reached at 727-726-7446
or email
tHank you for your time and tHe interview our
question 6 is an open question tHat you may sHare
any otHer information witH us
Our organization is seeking those indivi-
duals that are true professionals martial ar-
tists with true values and understanding of
the knowledge we can transmit to our futu-
re Black Belts, and to continue the martial
art growth along with us, and for the new
Black Belts that wish to open up a profes-
sional academy. Our Federation can help in
many ways from teaching methods from va-
rious martial arts styles not limited to any as
we have the professional relationship with
most of the federations to certify professio-
nal instructions.
“United Global Martial Arts Federation Inc.”
GM Sergio G Barriga and Grandmaster Cyn-
thia Rothrock have a common goal to unite
all martial artists of all styles and countries
to create a global unification and respect
one for another. UGMAF Inc will not be in
competition with any other federation as
this has been developed to expand knowle-
dge and growth worldwide. UGMAF Inc has
already several federations interested and
many instructors. No politics and we will
not promote anyone who has not already
achieved a professional level in the martial
arts. All Federations, academy owners and
instructors are welcome to join the “United
Global Martial Arts Federation , Inc.”