Page 240 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 240
• 42 % are aged 18-34 and 31% are aged Martial Science is also published in a digital format
35-44 for iPad, iPhone, Mac, PC and Android. On this
digital platform, all websites and email addresses
• 83% Male and 17% Female in any print ad are converted to live links, so with
READERS WORLDWIDE only one click, readers will be brought directly to
our advertisers? websites.
Top 10 Countries
1. USA
2. United Kingdom
3. Spain
4. Germany
5. Australia
6. Canada
7. Mexico
8. Brazil
9. Argentina
10. Italy
The Martial Science Magazine is a free bimonthly
online publishing. It is published in two langua-
ges, (English and Spanish). Martial Science Ma-
gazine is read in over 80 countries across 5 con-
tinents to be a martial science online magazine
allows readers print it at home, read it from the
cellular, tablets, and even download it and save it
in computer’s files.
For those who love to have the magazine printed
on paper they have the possibility of acquiring it
in the following channels:
-Bookstores and Online Retailers
-Libraries and Academic Institutions
-CreateSpace Direct
-Amazon Europe
-CreateSpace eStore