Page 247 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 247
Martial Science Magazine®
MARTIAL SCIENCE PUBLICACTIONS. LLC (publisher’s representative)
Advertising Copy and Content:
The following terms are binding upon signing an initial order ( IO ) for advertisement insertion.
a. All content of advertisements are subject to publisher’s approval. Martial Science Magazine/Martial Science Publications,
LLC, at their sole discretion, reserve the right to reject or cancel any advertisement, insertion order, space reservations, or
position commitment at any time for any reason.
b. No cancellations or changes in orders by the advertiser or its agency are accepted after closing date.
c. Advertisers, agents, representatives and advertising agencies assume full liability for all photos, content, including text,
representations and illustrations of advertisements.
Payment Terms:
The following terms are binding upon signing an initial order ( IO ) for advertisement insertion.
a. Once an account is delinquent, publisher has the right to demand payment in full. All sums and commission left outstan-
ding are immediately due. All costs incurred for collection including reasonable attorney fees will be the responsibility of the
advertiser and/or agency.
b. Publisher reserves the right to hold the advertiser, its agents and/or advertising agency jointly and severally liable for all
money due and payable to the publisher for advertising which advertiser or its agent ordered and which advertising was pu-
blished. Agencies submitting orders which disclaim dual liability must have their client sign a personal guarantee or submit
one from the agency. Otherwise, prepayment will be required in advance.
c. Payment must be made to PayPal to make full payment in account.
Advertising Copy & Contract Conditions:
a. Martial Science Magazine / Martial Science Publications, LLC at their sole discretion, reserve the right to reject any adver-
tisement at any time for any reason. No advertisement will be accepted if it speaks negatively, attacks or belittles any martial
art style, promotes violence, hate or discrimination. Discretion also will be used for advertising with content not suitable for
younger readers.
b. No cancellations are accepted after closing date.
c. Advertisers, agents, representatives and advertising agencies assume full liability for all content, including text, representa-
tions and illustrations of advertisements.
d. The Publisher and its officers and employees herein shall not be liable for errors including but not limited to: key numbers,
the readers service section or advertising index. Any Liability for errors for which the Publisher may be found legally res-
ponsible for damages cannot exceed the cost of the space. Any Liability Publisher is found legally responsible that is created
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e. Advertising insertion orders are accepted subject to the conditions that the Publisher shall have no liability of failure to
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f. If an ad is scheduled for a given issue and copy instructions are not received by the issue closing date, the most recently
run ad will be repeated.
g. Positioning of ads is at the discretion of the publisher except where a request for a specific preferred position is acknowle-
dged by the Publisher in writing.
h. All rates quoted are subject to change at any time in accordance with any general rate change. All rates under contract will
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i. No conditions under than those set forth herein shall be binding on the Publisher. Unless specifically agreed to in writing
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