Page 46 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 46
WHAT WAS AWESOME?: Coming from a Kung
Fu background I loved the atmosphere of a tra-
ditional school. But what really stood out to me
was the philosophy of “many trees, one forest.”
You will see this quote on the website and in
everything that Shifu Wayne is teaching. When I
spoke to with him, Shifu Wayne explained to me
that a number of his students had backgrounds in
numerous Martial Arts. He had two choices, he
could try to remake each student in his image or
embrace the differences in his charges.
Thankfully, Shifu Wayne has chosen to embrace to
the later. Instead of forced conformity he provides
a framework for his students to follow but encou-
rages them to add their own flavour. By giving
a structure and system the students have all the School of Chinese Martial Arts is a great place to
tools they need in order to effective fighters yet the train Traditional Kung Fu.
freedom to grow and experiment.
* Translating ancient texts is always tough and I
found a couple of translations of Sun Tzu’s words.
If you don’t like my translation you can find plenty
of other takes on the saying at:
If you are interested in training together I
would love to get together with you. Drop
me a line on facebook and we can connect. I
would love to learn from you.
Martin “Travelling Ronin” Fransham
Continuing to drive forward I crash into my
CONCLUSION: I had a great time with Shifu
Wayne learning about Lohan Kung Fu. It is both
amazingly simple and incredibly complex. I can
see why the basic techniques are staples of top
MMA Fighters. Kung Fu will always be a balance
of grace and raw power. Lohan Kung Fu has both
these qualities in spades.