Page 14 - Martial Science Magazine Jun/2016 #15
P. 14

In between there was time for the awards presen- It was another great event, everyone agreed and
             tation to 150 of the most deserved martial artists  most of them said it had been the best Munich Hall
             in europe for their achievments in and contribu-  of Honours so far. But then, thats what they say
             tions to the martial arts.                       every year.

             It is one of the utmost honours to belong to these  It definitely was the last event at this amazing ve-
             elite martial artists of europe and to receive the  nue which became dear to most of those friends
             award  from  the  worldfamous  celebraties  belon- that come to Munich Hall of Honours every year.
             ging to the yearly changing comitee.
                                                              But for all those can be said, that next year on April
             2016 members of the comitee where Cynthia  29th, 2017 the 10th Munich Hall of Honours will
             Rothrock (USA) Grandmaster Juerg Ziegler (CH)  be at a new unique historical venue with fantastic
             Grandmaster  Serge  Seguin  (D) Grandmaster  food, with more space, a new concept, new inter-
             Samuel Kwok (UK) Grandmaster Erhard Kellner  national shows and celebrities, and great ideas for
             (AUT) Hanshi Herbert E. Forster (CH) Soke Heinz  the welcome party.
             Köhnen (GER) Angelika Nimbach (GER) and Pro-
             moter Master Gregor Huss (GER).                     “MUNICH HALL OF HONOURS
             Due to injuries movie stars Sensei Zara Phythian          IS AND WILL REMAIN
             and Master Emma Elmes both UK unfortunately                THE PLACE TO BE”
             had to cancel in last minute and sent their best
             wishes.                                               So make sure YOU are there in 2017!!!

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