Page 32 - Martial Science Magazine Feb/2016 #13
P. 32
Ip Man Wing Chun
Nak Muay Thai
By: PhiliP NeariNg
Photos: heNry BiNerfa
Wing Chun master, Samuel Kwok, It was my privilege to be there and see the
and Thai boxing master, Airr Phantrip, first met exchange firsthand alongside Sensei Henry
in 2013 at a event for the USA Martial Arts Binerfa of Martial Science Magazine. Natura-
Hall of Fame. They spoke briefly but didn’t rea- lly, the conversation gravitated to those things
lly have the chance to talk shop until they were that Muay Thai and Wing Chun had in com-
both on the set for the filming of The Chemist in mon; the use of elbows, leg jamming and the
California in 2014. Master Airr had had some lower kicks designed to destroy an opponent’s
exposure to Wing Chun when he was youn- foundation. It was fascinating to see one of
ger and had enjoyed his experience with the the men show a technique from his own art
art. This opened the door to a much broader and see the other give his take on how his art
conversation. Both men enjoyed each other’s approached the same situation.
company and, more importantly, felt that they
had many things to discuss and to exchange As Master Airr and Master Kwok compared
when it came to martial arts. techniques the conversation quickly turned
to the more sophisticated topic of angle and
Their dialogue began in earnest when Master distance. Both Muay Thai and Wing Chun use
Kwok agreed to meet Master Airr in Las Vegas subtle changes in angle in both defense and
at his Nak Muay Thai gym in October of 2014. attack. Both men, being experienced fighters,
also know that at a higher level of fighting all