Page 44 - Martial Science Magazine Feb/2016 #13
P. 44

HOW WAS YOUR EXPERIENCE                           3rd Wing Chun Sifu - Grandmaster Franco Lung:
             TRAINING WING CHUN?                               Grandmaster  Franco  Lung  migrated  from  Hong
                                                               Kong to America in 2008; he was the student of
             The Search for Wing Chun Kwoon:                   Grandmaster  Wong  Shun  Leung.    After  settling
                                                               down  in  Los  Angeles  area,  he  started  his  Wing
             Wing Chun Gung Fu was always my desire to learn   Chun School called, Lung Wing Chun.  Every Wing
             it while I was learning some other martial arts due   Chun practitioner cant’ master everything within
             to Wing Chun was not available at the time.  Un-  Wing Chun System because Wing Chun system is
             til later in 1993 when I found the Kwoon with my   so big and endless due to it’s a Concept and Princi-
             good friend of mine in Fountain Valley, California.    ple Martial Arts.  Therefore, everyone has a strong
                                                               part in the system, and Grandmaster Franco Lung
             1st Wing Chun Sifu - Grandmaster Don Fling un-    has his strong part, which is the Wing Chun Dra-
             der Chanh Wah Shun Lineage:                       gon Pole.  Grandmaster Franco Lung has earned
             My first Wing Chun Sifu was very strict of accep-  his nickname as “The King of The Dragon Pole.”
             ting any student; he only wanted 8 students and it
             was very private.  The Kwoon was at home in his   4th  Wing  Chun  Sifu  -  Grandmaster  Wong  Long
             garage with plenty of Wing Chun equipments.  My   Ching:
             Sifu’s Kwoon was operated with an Old School and
             very traditional settings.  For example, we had to   Sifu Grandmaster is a very special person to me;
             bow when entering and exiting the Kwoon and all   here’s our stories:
             time we were taught to be humble, polite, respect-
             ful and carried ourselves as a modest and gentle-  As of June 17, 2014 the birth and the new begin-
             men like attitude; otherwise, my Sifu would ask us   ning of WONG LONG WING CHUN was named
             to leave his Kwoon or he would kick any student   and  formed  with  WING  CHUN  TEMPLE  as  of
             out if not followed by his rules.  My Sifu was the   preserving the legacy of Grandmaster Wong Long
             only one that had a Kwoon, which he was the only   Ching.
             Chanh Wah Shun Wing Chun lineage from his Sifu.
                                                               Grandmaster Wong Long Ching is the 1st genera-

             2nd Wing Chun Sifu - Grandmaster Jerry McKin-     tion of the late Great Grandmaster Ip Man, who
             ley under Ip Man Lineage:                         was the teacher of Bruce Lee. Grandmaster Wong
                                                               has  a  great  respect  and  great  admiration  of  his
             After multiple family issues of my first Wing Chun   teacher, GM Ip Man, so he decided to stay close
             Sifu, he decided to close his Kwoon temporary due   with his teacher until the end.  Grandmaster Wong
             to he had to attend to his problems.  My yearning   could  be  famous  or  well-known  like  many  other
             and desire to learn Wing Chun was unstoppable,    Wing Chun practitioners of the 1st generation like
             so my buddy and I decided to join Southern Ca-    Bruce  Lee,  Wong  Shun  Leung,  William  Cheung,
             lifornia Wing Chun Association under my second    Hawkins Cheung, Victor Khan, and etc… Howe-
             Sifu  -  Grandmaster  Jerry  McKinley  whose  Sifu   ver, Grandmaster Wong decided to stay away from
             was Sigung Jim Lau, under Ip Man lineage.  Sifu   the spotlight and just wanted to live a normal life
             Jerry McKinley was very well known and well res-  since the passing of his teacher, GM Ip Man.
             pected among Wing Chun communities and he was
             the one that trained an actor Nicolas Cage.  But   Until recently, Grandmaster Wong decided to ac-
             sadly he passed away unexpectedly on August 15,   cept his new and last disciple from the West, Sifu
             2002 due to heart attack.  Sifu Jerry McKinley may   Clark Tang to carry on his legacy and his Wing
             be gone physically but his spirit and legacy will   Chun Gung Fu.  Sifu Clark Tang founded WING
             live forever…                                     CHUN TEMPLE since 2012 and started teaching
                                                               Wing  Chun  Gung  Fu  without  under  any  linea-

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