Page 16 - Martial Science Magazine April/2016 #14
P. 16


                         OF HONOURS 2016

                 he  2015  Innsbruck  Hall  of  Honours  excelled  Taekwondo,  Hapkido,  Wing  Chun,  Fight  Back,
            Tall expectations and was a huge success but the   RSDS, Krav Maga, Karate and many more styles
             2nd Hall of Honours in Innsbruck on July 2nd pro-  will be present.
             mises to top everything. Founding another Sports
             Award event in Austria Gregor Huss`s  first choice  The event will introduce many World and Euro-
             was Innsbruck, this beautiful capitol of Tyrol in the  pean Champions in the arts from all places in Eu-
             austrian alps and as it turned out it was a great pick.  rope and the world to the audience, Legends and
                                                               Grandmaster as well as Masters.
             Again in the komitee for 2016 on the austrian side
             is Legends of the Art  Grandmaster Erhard Kellner  In the evening after the b/w dinner there will be
             from ZENTAI RYU HAK St. Pölten, Niederöste-       martial arts shows with fantastic artists from many
             rreich and Hapkido and Kung Fu Grandmaster Pe-    countries and then the big awards presentation and
             rry Zmugg from Graz, Steiermark as well as Master  induction into the Innsbruck Hall of Honurs..
             Ado Dulas, from Innsbruck, founder of RSDS De-
             fense System.                                     After the official part there will a get together at the
                                                               Bar like last year.
             Non austrian International Komitee members are
             US Legend GM Cynthia Rothrock, german Wushu   And what did Cynthia Rothrock have to say last
             Legend Sifu Serge Seguin, UK Wing Chun Legend  year?
             Samuel Kwok, Master Henry Binerfa from the US
             and finaly promoter Master Gregor Huss himself.   ...fabulous. Great food, fantastic show...-
                                                               ...Innsbruck Hall of Honours is the place
             During the day there will be again a large variety  to be...
             of seminars with top martial arts and self defense
             experts from arround the world at the exclusive ve- If you want to take part at this 2nd Innsbruck Hall
             nue at the Congress Innsbruck Orangerie, probably  of  Honours  (July  2,  2016)  fill  out  the  form  and
             one of the most extraordinary locations a Martial  email to:
             Arts seminar was ever held.

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