Page 14 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2014 #6
P. 14
Lu Dwyer and Wing Chun Legend Grandmaster with some of the best of previouse years, more
Samuel Kwok, Grandmaster Rudi Kaufmann and Seminars and a bigger Tradeshow, Preview of new
Albert Greber both Switzerland and Austrian action film releases plus - after 4 years break -
Legend Erhard Kellner and his wife Marianne and The MALYMPEX LEAGUE Women Black Belt
„The strongest“ Founder Ivica Alexkovski from Championship on sunday after the Banquet.
Mazedonia. Participants from all over the world will be
During the day on saturday already it started out competing in four Disciplins,: forms, breaking,
to be one of these wonderful martial arts days. weapon forms and pointfighting and three age
More than 30 Seminars with some of the best classes to find the best female Black Belt Cham-
experts of martial arts and self defense where hol- pion of the world.
ding their short classes for some 300 participant Female Black Belts of all styles can participate in
on three tatamies. They came from all over Ger- this open tournament by appointment, qualifica-
many, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, England, Poland, tion or application.
Romania and many more countries to train, a It will be a spectacular weekend in Bavarias Capi-
truly international event. tol City Munich with Guest and Celebrities from
But what is going to happen 2015? How can it arround the world and another milestone in the
be topped? The 8th Munich Hall of Honours on history of european martial arts. If you want to
April 17-19 , again held at the Waldheim, will top be part of it, join us for the action. Don`t pro-
everything. New shows and performances mixed crastinate because the event will be sold out quick