Page 4 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2014 #6
P. 4


Whenever                                                It was a pleasure to Martial Science editing staff to
                 a year                                 have met many friends and to have learned from tho-
comes to an end, a com-                                 se Grand Masters, and above all, for we have made
plete cycle of experien-                                a contribution by providing our readers with their
ces, memories, achieve-                                 teaching without considering where their from or dis-
ments, losses, and goals                                tance. We have gathered all these stories, techniques,
also get to its end. When the clock points out the be-  criteria, and philosophy to be published on Martial
ginning of the New Year a new cycle starts to everyo-
ne; it brings new purposes;one can continue with the                                              Science magazine
old plans and try to strengthen them and faithfully                                               absolutely free,
look the New Year holding out a prospect of hope.                                                 So that, our rea-
                                                                                                  ders can down
A whole cycle of work has also come to and end for                                                load them to
Martial Science. Seven Issues of the Magazine were                                                their computers,
published in 2014 in Spanish and 6 in English, 13is-                                              read their content
sues in all. Several Masters from more than twelve                                                and even print it.
countries were covered on the pages of Martial Scien-
ce. There were Masters from The United States, Cana-                                              We are really
da, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, Spain, The Uni-                                              grateful to all
ted Kingdom, Serbia, Germany, Japan, and China.                                                   Martial Science
                                                                                                  readers for their
                                                        e-mails, and criteria, even when we can not reply;
                                                        all your suggestions are read and carefully taken into
                                                        consideration. Your judgment is very important to
                                                        us, and helps to improve our magazine.

                                                        Martial Science holds large scale projects for 2015; it
                                                        especially plans a great many newsflash and the res-
                                                        ponsibility to surpass the achieved goals.

                                                        We wish Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from
                                                        Las Vegas to all Martial Science readers, columnists,
                                                        masters, and to all those who contribute to make our
                                                        dreams come true.

                                                                                                 By: Henry Binerfa

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