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rectly. In this way I heard about Yoga, the Advaita level was like a labyrinth, but instead of looking for
philosophy, Hinduism, the Rosicrucian Order, the the exit, I sought recognition, I wanted to demon-
Theosophical Society, the Arcane School and Bud- strate the effectiveness of what I had created, I
dhism among many others. In my search I found wanted to demonstrate the externalization of ener-
very valuable people who had already walked the gy and the more I did it the more I walked between
path before me and took me by the hand and guid- the different paths that lost me between them, and
ed me. My perspective changed forever, I never saw they did not take me anywhere.
martial arts just to measure its effectiveness in de-
feating an external enemy. But, just as unexpectedly as I entered this level, I
came out. When I started to abandon even the de-
This stair was one of the longest. I climbed it very sire to leave the labyrinth. When I started to aban-
calmly without rushing. Attending more to my don even the desire to leave the labyrinth. It was
breathing than to my steps, listening to the sound of there when I found the stairway to the next level.
my steps, which were becoming more and more ten-
uous, merging with the sound of my heart. When I arrived at this level of the pagoda when I discov-
I get to this new floor of the Pagoda. I found that I ered that I do not have to prove anything to anyone.
needed to deliver a tool that would re-establish the That the level of greatest mastery is to get a drink of
bridge between the philosophies that created the tea with the one who came to kill you and ended up
martial arts. A martial art where they could coex- saying goodbye to you as a friend. That everything
ist together, the old and the modern, the traditional bounces, that the fights and the techniques that we
and the scientific. In this way, the school that shows practice so much cause wounds, leave scars and end
the path of the spirit or the school of the heart was up creating suffering. That our styles enslave us, and
born. The creation process was amazing, the ideas we need to be free, to live. We cannot give too much
flowed, everything I needed reached my head in a importance to tools, they only serve a purpose. To-
super-fast way, my hand transcribed everything day I master patience, it cost me a lot to get it. I am
that came to my mind and there it was in black no longer looking for students, I am not looking to
and white captured on paper. At this level I man- impress anyone, I know that the one who is really
aged to deliver my vision of martial arts and help prepared will arrive. Although now my new goal is
many to establish the balance between the physical, to ensure the transmission of the school of the heart.
the mental and the spiritual. I managed to gather I do not know how many more levels I can reach
people who were looking for self-improvement and in this Pagoda. But in 33 years traveling the path
walk towards the highest and noble aspirations as a I have become Michi no milestone (a man of the
human being. Way) and I will continue my journey down this spi-
ral staircase without ambition of reward.
At this point I do not know if I went down or if I Now, to you martial traveler I ask you. Do you
went up in the pagoda. But I am sure that it was a feel identified with any of the levels through which
different level, in which I had never been. This new I travel? Have you visited any that I have not de-