Page 16 - Martial Science Magazine Aug/2016 #16
P. 16



                Martial Arts

             Hall of Honours

             event was held

             July 2nd, 2016

               in Innsbruck,                   ses  by  Developing  and
                                               Recognizing  Excellence
                                               in  Martial  Arts  Commu-
                                               nities.  The  Self  Defen-
                                               se Germany Federation
                                               founded  the  MUNICH
                                               HALL  OF  HONOURS
                                               in 2008 which is now
             The Innsbruck and Munich Hall     recognized  as  one  of
             of Honours are sponsored by       the premier Martial Arts
             Self Defense Germany Federa-      events  in  Europe  and
             tion  e.V.  a  non-profit  organiza-  worldwide.
             tion  established  to  benefit  the
             martial arts in many ways.
                                               In 2015, under the lea-
                                               dership  of  Master  Gre-
             The Members of this preste-       gor  Huss,  the  second
             giouse  Organization  work  to-   Event  of  its  kind;  the
             gether  to  enhance  Excellence   INNSBRUCK  HALL  OF
             in the Martial Arts by promoting   HONOURS  was  foun-
             martial arts events to the Mar-   ded in the capitol of
             tial Arts Community like semi-    Tyrol, Austria with the su-
             nars, tournaments (MALYMPEX       pport of Austrian Karate
             LEAGUE) as well as developing     Legend  Erhard  Kellner
             Leadership  within  the  Martial   and Grandmaster Perry Zmugg,     Martial Arts leaders are nomina-
             Arts community.                                                     ted  and  awarded  from  Europe
                                               Grandmaster Cynthia Rothrock      and across the world to these
                                               and Sifu Serge Seguin and from
             The Self Defense Germany Fe-      the very beginning a great suc-   prestegiouse  events  and  the
             deration develops, enhances,      cess.                             Ambassadors  are  encouraged
             recognizes  and  improves  Mar-                                     to nominate their Students and
             tial Arts Leaders and Busines-                                      Instructors in various categories.

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