Page 6 - Martial Science Magazine Aug/2016 #16
P. 6

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              Muhammad Ali re-           On his return he       A surprise guest for        After 32 years of
             fuses to be inducted      again became world        the world, Muham-        battling Parkinson’s
              into the U.S. Army      champion in 1974, to  mad Ali bravely battle  disease, Muhammad
               and is immediate-      achieve the WBA and  the tremors of Parkin-        Ali died at the age of
               ly stripped of his     World Boxing Council  son’s disease to light              74 years
               heavyweight title.     (WBC), when he won        the Olympic flame in     ..................................
              Ali, a Muslim, cited     by knockout in eight     the Olympic Games
             religious reasons for      rounds, to George       in Atlanta. Many con-
             his decision to forgo     Foreman during the      sider it to be the most
                military service.      “Battle in the Jungle”   emotional moment of
              ...............................  in Kinshasa, Demo-  the opening ceremo-
                                      cratic Republic of the    nies of the history of
                                              Congo,            the Olympic Games
                                           former Zaire         ................................

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