Page 15 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2016 #18
P. 15

Meet our guest and celebs from all over
             the world

             Many celebrities, legends, grandmasters and
             masters with their students have confirmed their
             attendance like The Queen of Martial Arts Movies,
             Cynthia Rothrock, Kung Fu Queen Malia Bernal,
             Wing Chun Legend Samuel Kwok, World Re-
             cord Holder and Fitness and Anti Aging Guru Dr.
             Robert Goldman, Hawaiian Senior Master Kumu
             Michelle Manu, Martial Artist and Actors Crystal
             Santos, Carl van Meter and Kely McClung, euro-
             pean Legends and Grandmasters like GM Juerg
             Ziegler,  CH  Soke  Heinz  Köhnen,  GER  Hanshi
             Herbert E. Forster, CH Austrain Olympic Diving
             Champion and Karate GM Erhard Kellner, GM
             Perry Zmugg and Gerhard Agrinz, Wushu Le-
             gend Sifu Serge Seguin, from UK Silvio Simac,
             Sensei Zara Phythian, Master Emma Elmes, the      Of course there will be spectacular shows at the
             Edmunds Sistas, from Netherland GM Martin Zin-    evening  awards banquett and you  will love the
             gel,  Actress  and  Kickbox  Champion  Angi  Nim-  typical bavarian kitchen.
             bach and many many more. Many more will be
             there but have not confirmed yet.                 Already on Friday noon there will be a special se-
                                                               minar held with 9th Dan Michelle Manu from 2-5
             But also there will be many champions from both   p.m. at the SELF DEFENSE GERMANY Training
             martial arts and fitness at this most recognized   Center where she present the Ancient Hawaiien
             event in Europe, stars and starlets from the mar-  Martial Art Lua for the first time in Germany.
             tial arts and action movies, stuntman and stun-
             twoman, local and worldrenown and of course all   The traditional Welcome Party will be on Friday,
             the Black Belts, Instructors and Students which   starting at 6 p.m. in a typical bavarian venue and
             are nominated for their achievements in the mar-  will be another life time experience for those who
             tial arts by their Masters.                       attend.

             One the way from best to best and lar-            Off course the whole event will be covered by
             gest event in Europe                              Martial Science Magazine,  Warrior Magazine and
                                                               many other media, featured on Social media and
             Capacity at the venue has doubled from last year  local media.  If you want to be part of this most
             but already two third are booked six month before  prestigeouse event, dont hesitate to book as
             the event.                                        soon as possible, since space is, as always, very
                                                               limited to only those who decide fast. If want to
             During the day on saturday, like every year the- nominate a deserved Martial Artists dont hesitate
             re will be more than 30 seminars with the best  to write us for information
             instructors and experts in martial arts, selfdefen-
             se and fitness and also a „strong man/woman“
             Contest for a noble cause, where winners will be
             awarded with a trophy during the evening ballot.

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