Page 49 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2016 #18
P. 49
Henry : At the last Babao semi-
nar I attended Master Nar assis-
Henry : Hello Sifu Justin and ted by his brother Maestro Kris
welcome to Martial science Ma- Babao covered some double
gazine , thank you for doing a in- stick drills and the Babao Arnis
terview with us . angles , defenses and counters
. Afterwards they taught some
Justin : Thank you for allowing flow drills with the stick , and
me to be a part of such a great finished up with a demo and ex-
Magazine , it is my honor Sensei planation of Eskrido . The demo
Henry . was performed by GM Ted Sotelo
showing the close quarter capa-
Henry : We have covered the Ba- bilities of the art of Eskrido . Can
bao Arnis seminar for you before you tell us a little about the semi-
and found the Babao family to be nar in November , 2016 ?
very skilled , humble and gene-
rous with technique and concepts Justin : I would be glad to Sen-
. I could not make the Novem- sei , Eskrido is the art founded
ber 13 , 2016 seminar however by the late great SGM Cacoy
, I was happy to do a interview Canete in 1948 and was added
with you to find out more about to the Babao Arnis system by
your last seminar with Master the late great GM Narrie Babao
Narrison Babao and about your founder of Babao Arnis . Eskri-
school , Creative Warrior Aca- do is a fantastic art , and is used
demy of Las Vegas . primarily as a close quarter
(“Corto” in Visayan ) system
Justin : yes, you know Sensei, and was the focus of this semi-
you and your magazine are nar . Master Nar , who was pro-
always welcome at my seminars moted to 8th grade Senior Mas-
and my school , its nice to have ter in the Doces Pares system in
a publication such as Martial 2013 , taught a very detailed and
Science Magazine to connect informative workshop , everyo-
the martial arts communi- ne had a great time and learned
ty around the world like this , a ton of material . I really like
much respect to you . The Babao the way Master Nar goes into
seminar was awsome as usual , detail and explains the versatili-
I cant put into words how grate- ty and variations of each techni-
ful and appreciative I am to the que , it helps me to understand
Babao family . Their continued the technique and how it func-
support of CWA has been a bles- tions .
sing and honor . Hosting GM
Zena Babao , Master Narrison Henry : That sounds great , I
Babao and the Babao family wish I could have made it this
has been a true adventure and time . Tell us more .
learning experience for myself
and my students . Justin : The seminar began
with a sinawali warm up drill .